Ican hardly believe that this moment has finally come. After nine long months, filled with way too many doctor’s visits and a lot of nursery decorating, our baby boy is here. I lean back against the pillows in the hospital bed, feeling exhausted but incredibly happy. Jay is beside me. He won’t quit looking at the little bundle in his arms as though the rest of the world doesn’t exist anymore.

“He’s perfect,” Jay whispers, his voice full of awe. He gently traces a finger along the baby’s tiny cheek. “Just perfect.”

I smile, my whole body feeling sore. “He really is. I can’t believe he’s finally here.”

“What do you think we should name him?”

“I don’t even know where our list of names went.” I pat around on the bedside table like it might be there even though I don’t think it’s likely.

Jay reaches into his back pocket and pulls it out. He lays it in front of me, more prepared than I expected him to be.

I look at the list again, glancing at our tiny baby with his pouted lips and tufts of dark hair. One of the names on the list really stands out to me. “I’m thinking he looks more like an… Evan.”

The smile that spreads across Jay’s face tells me he was thinking the exact same thing. “Yes, it suits him better than Ryker or Patrick.”

“Evan James, Evan James Carlton.”

Jay nods, his smile widening. “It’s perfect. Our little Evan James.” He touches Evan’s chin gently, and I watch, loving the moments they are sharing.

We share a quick kiss, Jay leaning over my hospital bed, while keeping both hands on Evan. “No going back now,” I tease.

Jay nods in agreement before passing Evan back to me.

I cradle him close, feeling his tiny, warm body against mine. His little hands curl around my finger, and I’m overwhelmed with a surge of love that I didn’t know was possible.

“Hey, Evan. You know you can’t sleep forever, right? You need to have some milk at some point.”

Jay sits down beside me on the bed, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “We’re going to be the best parents we can be, little guy. And you’ve got a very excited aunt and a grandma. And they’re probably going to spoil you more than necessary.”

We both laugh. Even though Hannah was resistant to the idea of me being pregnant at first, she said it made her an aunt twice over since we said before that Hannah and I would be aunts to each other’s kids. After a few weeks, she started taking me shopping and being there for every step of the way.

As if on cue, there’s a knock on the door, and Hannah pokes her head in, a wide smile on her face. “Can I come in? I need to see this sweet boy in person.”

I hold my son out to her, excited to show him off. “Come meet your nephew, Evan James.”

Hannah rushes in, her eyes shining with excitement as she takes in the sight of our little family. “Oh my goodness! He’s adorable! Congratulations, you two!”

“Thanks, Hannah. We think he’s perfect.”

“Well, you’re right. He so is! I can hold him, right?”

I ask Hannah to wash her hands as I move Evan’s blanket back from his face a few inches. Then, Hannah leans closer and takes him into her arms.

“He’s so tiny!”

“You’re saying I was large enough that he should have been bigger?” I ask, watching Hannah carefully. I didn’t know I could feel so protective of Evan already.

“I’m not answering that. Right, Evan? Wow, you’ve got the sweetest little bit of hair. I love that.”

We all laugh, the sound filling the room with warmth and joy. It’s moments like these that make all the challenges and uncertainties worth it. We’re surrounded by love, and our little boy is going to grow up with so many people who care about him.

My mom arrives a few moments later, fully recovered from her broken leg, and she and Hannah start playfully fighting over who should get to hold Evan the longest.

My mom kisses my forehead. “I know that Evan is the star of the show right now, but I know how hard it was bringing him into the world. Here, I brought this for you.”