We make it through the haunted house, emerging into the bright daylight with a sense of exhilaration. Violet’s hand is clammy in mine, and I notice that she doesn’t let go even though we’re safely outside now.

"That was awesome!" Charlie exclaims.

Hannah shakes her whole body like she’s getting rid of a sick feeling. "Vi, you weren’t as brave as I thought you were."

Charlie laughs. "You guys looked like you were in a horror movie."

Violet smiles, her cheeks flushing. "It was pretty intense."

I grin. “You just wanted an excuse to touch me. Admit it."

Hannah makes a face. “Please don’t get gross around me. You know what I think of this whole thing.”

As we move on from the haunted house, we wander through the festival, stopping at various booths and attractions. Hannah and Charlie want to stop and eat funnel cakes, but Violet pulls me onward. “Catch up with us later!” she calls over her shoulder.

I like that Violet wants to spend some time with just me, but as soon as we leave Hannah and Charlie behind, Violet seems to get quieter.

“Are you hungry?”

“Super, but I don’t want anything sweet.”

“Beer?” I ask, pointing at a beer cart set up at the end of a line of games.

Violet shakes her head. I tug her toward the cart. “Come on! It may not be as good as my mixed drinks, but it’ll be something to loosen us up.”

“Are you saying I need loosening up?”

“No, I’m…” I decide to drop it. I don’t want to ruin the fun time we’re having with an argument. “What’s something that’s not sweet that you want, then?”

Violet points to a stand selling huge pretzels. I buy one for her, and she starts to eat it, closing her eyes and enjoying every bite. “Mmm, I haven’t had one of these since I was a kid, but it’s just as good as I remember it.”

As we keep walking, we come across a booth selling handmade jewelry. Violet stops to look at a delicate silver bracelet with tiny leaf charms. It’s beautiful, and I can’t help but admire the way it was handmade but looks professional.

I step up beside her. "Do you like it?"

She nods, feeling a bit shy. "It’s beautiful without being over the top."

I reach into my pocket and pull out my wallet. "Let me get it for you."

She starts to protest, but I shake my head. "I want to, Vi. Consider it a gift."

She finally relents, shrugging. Once I’ve bought the bracelet, I reach for her wrist and put it on. “You know, foxes don’t normally wear jewelry.” Violet’s smile is teasing.

“Maybe not, but my foxy woman does.”

Violet laughs. “How many times are you going to call me that?”

“Until you let me take that suit off you.”

“I’m only wearing a bra underneath it,” she admits.

“No panties?” I whisper.

She bites her lip and shakes her head. I feel the heat starting to rush to my cock, but I force myself to think about something else. Violet and I will have our time later. Right now, I have to behave myself. Besides, I want to see what else this fall festival has to offer.

“You know… this is kind of like our first date,” I tell Violet.

“First date? We’ve…” But then Violet must realize what I just did. Sure, we’ve spent time together, but we haven’t really gone out and done anything.