“Hey, you suggested it first. I’m just the one that likes the idea of you being a fox.”

Violet hides her face, so I can’t quite hear what she says.

“What was that?” I ask.

“Just… that you’re crazy.” But Violet has suddenly gotten very serious. I wonder if it’s something I’ve said that bothered her or if she’s dealing with the pain of losing her dad and the recent storm and everything else she’s been through in the last month. I never quite know with her, but I think I’m slowly starting to learn her wordless communications.

“Maybe I could make a list of what we’d need,” Violet suggests.

I nod and kiss her forehead. “I think that’s a great idea.”

We don’t speak for a minute, but I just like being close to her. I’m very conscious of the fact that our break is almost halfway over, though.

“Are you going to live here forever?” she suddenly asks.

“Here? In this alley?”

Violet shakes her head. “Maplewood. You know what I mean.”

“I haven’t… thought about it extensively. I mean, I have the bar, and I couldn’t imagine selling it and moving anytime soon. I like this place. I could see myself living and dying here.”

“It’s a small town, so everyone knows everyone else’s business. That can be both good and bad. There’s a strong sense of community, but sometimes it feels like there’s no privacy.”

“I get that. It’s one of the things I’ve had to adjust to as an adult. But it’s a nice place overall. I wouldn’t just up and leave my bar behind. Violet,” I grin. “Are you asking me to run away with you?”

She blushes, then laughs. “No, I… I just wanted to know. I mean, we’ve never really talked about the future much.”

“The last time we talked, you weren’t so sure about wanting me to be your boyfriend. I think once that’s figured out, then the rest of it will come naturally.”

Violet buries her ear in my chest, and I grip her a little tighter. “I think… I need a little more time.”

I want to push her. Ask her why she’s willing to dress up as ridiculous animals with me but she won’t commit to a relationship. Just last week she was running off to some lake because she wanted more than she thought I could give her. I thought I was the one with commitment issues.

She smiles. “I love a lot of things about Maplewood, but I just don’t know if I’m willing to stay here forever. And I get the sense that with your bar, that’s what you want.”

I watch her as she speaks, noting the fondness in her voice. “You’re here for your mom, but you won’t be here forever, in other words.” Could this be what’s holding her back from committing to me?

Violet hesitates. “I’m not sure. I mean, I love it here, but there’s a part of me that wonders what else is out there. But lately, I’ve been thinking it might be nice to stay close to my mom, after… everything.”

I nod, understanding the bond she and her mom share now that her dad is gone. “That makes sense. If you do decide to stay, know that you’ve got a place here.”

She looks at me, her expression softening. “Thanks, Jay. That means a lot.”

“Any other deep, thoughtful questions you want to ask?”

Violet laughs. “I’ll let you know if I think of any.”

“Can I kiss you then?”

“Ah, so you’re tired of talking to me because you want to kiss? I see. Well, I suppose I can let you, just this once.”

I bend down and take Violet’s lips on my own, pushing aside all of my concerns about when she may or may not take off to explore the rest of the world. I pull her closer against me until I can feel her breasts pushing against my chest. If I wasn’t hard before, I am now.

I don’t want to stop kissing her. My hands start to wander up her body. I slip my fingers under the edge of her shirt. She jumps away from me like I’ve shocked her.

“Jay! Your fingers are icicles!” I touch them to my face, but they don’t feel that cold.

We both start laughing, and I wiggle them in her direction as she squirms away. My phone beeps. “Break’s over. You could have gotten another minute of kissing in, and you wasted it.”