I nod, feeling a pang of guilt. Maybe I should have pushed harder to get her to open up, instead of automatically thinking the issue was all about me, I should have asked Violet more questions to figure out what was really bothering her. “I wish she would have told me. I would have done something to help.”

Caroline offers a small, understanding smile. “Don’t blame yourself. You’re managing the bar. She’s your employee. I’m actually impressed that you came all the way out here. Unfortunately, I don’t know her habits anymore, and I don’t know where she could have gone. But she’ll be back.”

Caroline glances at the window where it’s getting so dark outside that we almost need to turn a lamp on in here, even though it’s not even four p.m. yet.

Turning away from the window, Caroline reaches out and places a comforting hand on mine. “You’re a good man for caring so much about her. I’m sure she’ll turn up soon. She’s strong, just like her dad was. And when she’s had time to blow off steam, she’ll be back.”

I squeeze her hand gently, appreciating her words. “Thank you, Caroline. I’ll keep looking for her. If you hear from her, please let me know.” I give her my phone number, then stand to leave.

I need to get back to the bar, but I feel disappointed that I wasn’t able to find out anything else. “Please, don’t hesitate to call me. Is there anything I can do for you before I leave?”

I glance pointedly at Caroline’s crutches. She may want to help me, but she’s the one who needs to be helped.

“No, I’m fine. I appreciate it. It was nice to see you again, Jay. Do you mind letting yourself out?”

“Sure, I’ll do that.” I glance at the window, unsure if I should be giving advice to this older woman. “If the winds get any worse, you may want to shelter away from a window. Just in case.”

As I step back out into the rain, I can’t shake the feeling of worry that’s settled deep in my chest. I need to find Violet. I feel bad for getting upset at her when her mom made it clear that she’s dealing with a lot.

Once I’m back in my car with the heater blowing, I pull out my phone and text Hannah.

Violet wasn’t at home. Heading back to the bar. Stay at your place so you’re safe from this storm. It’s getting bad.

I call Violet one more time, but I’m not hopeful. She doesn’t answer, so I leave a voicemail this time, something I didn’t do before.

“Violet, I’m getting worried about you. Hannah hasn’t seen you, and neither has your mom. Please, find a safe place to be. This storm is going to hit us bad.”

With that, I hang up. There’s nothing else I can do right now.



The wind starts getting really bad, and I don’t feel safe driving anymore. I pull over to the side of the road and put my hazard lights on, wondering if they will even be visible through the sheets of rain.

I’m still soaked, but I find a clean shirt that I left in my car, and I switch out my soaked sweater for the dry shirt. I start to feel a little better immediately.

Once I’m halfway dry, I pull out my phone, my fingers numb from the cold. As the screen lights up, I see several missed calls and messages. Most of them are from Hannah, and my stomach tightens with guilt. I should have known she’d be worried. I open the latest text and read it quickly.


Violet, where are you? Have you been hurt or something? Call me as soon as you get this.

Oh my god. Has Hannah been freaking out about where I’ve been all this time? I scroll back through our message chain and see that she’s sent me a ton of similar messages, along with multiple missed calls.

My fingers fumble with the phone as I call her.

As soon as she answers, she starts talking.

“Violet! Thank God. Where have you been? We’ve been trying to reach you for hours!”

“I’m sorry, Hannah. I just needed some time to clear my head. I went out to Lake Ernest.”

“Lake Ernest? Don’t you know that there’s a tornado heading our way? You’re supposed to find a room in the middle of the house with no windows and shelter in place. Not drive out to the lake like it’s a day for a picnic.”

“A tornado?” I ask, glancing through my windshield as the wind plays with the tree branches in front of me.

I had no idea, and I start to feel an icy fear working its way down my body.