Just the quick jog from my car door to the porch soaks me through. The storm is definitely picking up its pace. I step back from the door and gaze across the lawn to the road where the rain pounds into the asphalt, transfixed by its rhythm for a moment.

When the door opens, I see the same petite woman with Violet’s fiery red hair, albeit more gray, and those delicate wrinkles around her eyes and mouth.

“Hi Jay!” Her face lights up with recognition as she takes me in. “What in the world are you doing out in this storm?” She’s perched up by crutches, and I feel like this conversation might be uncomfortable for her if she keeps standing in that position.

I clear my throat, trying to compose myself. I have to raise my voice a little to be heard over the rain. “Hi Mrs. Haven. I was wondering if Violet’s here. Hannah and I have been trying to reach her, and I’m worried because she hasn’t been answering her phone.”

The woman’s expression shifts from confusion to concern. “Violet isn’t here. I haven’t seen her since she left for work earlier. That was about… three hours ago?”

A pang of worry hits me harder. “I see. I’m really sorry to bother you. I just thought she might be here.”

“No bother at all. Why don’t you come in for a moment?” she offers, stepping aside to let me in. She hobbles awkwardly in the direction of the couch. The rain has been hitting the top step of the porch and bouncing off to hit my back. If I wasn’t already soaked, I would be now.

I hesitate for a moment before stepping inside. The warmth of the house is a stark contrast to the wetness of the rain. I didn’t notice on my last visit, but a studio portrait on the wall opposite the door immediately draws my attention. It’s Violet when she was maybe ten or twelve. She’s posed with a fake smile on her face, wearing a black dress that makes her hair stand out even more.

She’s cute, and I can’t take my eyes off of it.

Violet’s mother seems to notice. “Violet,” she says, pointing at the picture as I drip on her front rug. “She was ten in that picture, just about to start fifth grade.”

I wipe my feet on the mat so I have a reason to look away. “Very cute. I didn’t mean to intrude. I just... we’re really worried about her. I was wondering if you’ve heard from her, Mrs. Haven.”

She makes a noncommittal noise, gesturing to the armchair across from her. “Please, call me Caroline. No need to be so formal. Would you like a towel?”

Well, I’m not about to sit on her armchair as wet as I am, so I nod. Caroline struggles to her feet, taking a moment to get the crutches in place, and grabs a towel from a closet down the short hallway. She brings it back to me, and I attempt to dry off while clothed.

After a moment of trying unsuccessfully, I fold the towel into a cushion, set it on the armchair, and perch on the edge of it, feeling a bit awkward.

“Thank you for the food you brought the other day. Violet said you stopped by while I was napping.”

I feel my face flush a little, remembering what else I did to Violet while she was napping. “It’s no trouble at all. I’m happy to help.”

Caroline smiles and attempts to lower herself back on the couch. On instinct, I leap up to take her elbow and lower her more gently.

“Thank you, honey,” she says once she’s situated.

I nod, and take my seat again, not sure what else to do with myself. This woman has no idea of the extent of my relationship with her daughter. I wonder what she would say if she knew.

“So, what happened? Why are you so concerned about Violet? I thought she was going to work. Did she never come in?”

I run a hand through my damp hair, trying to find the right words. “She’s been acting different lately. On edge, you know. It’s hard to tell if it’s…”

“If it’s what?”

This woman is sharp. She doesn’t miss anything. There’s no dancing around the truth, but I don’t want to reveal my relationship with Violet. “It’s hard to tell if it’s because she’s just moved and is dealing with… losing her dad, if I understand correctly.”

Caroline nods, closing her eyes for a moment.

“Or something at work. I can’t tell. She just started working for me, so I don’t know her that well yet. Tonight, she left work early and hasn’t been answering her phone. It’s just not like her. Hannah came in—she couldn’t get in touch with Violet, so I said I would come check if you had heard from her or if you knew…”

Caroline is already shaking her head. “You’re right about one thing. She’s been under a lot of stress lately. With everything going on... sometimes I worry she’s taking on too much. She could have…”

I lean forward. “Is there anything specific that’s been bothering her? Any places she might have gone if she just needed to think?”

Caroline sighs, looking down at her hands. “Well, she’s been worried about me. I’m having trouble being independent with this leg. Violet doesn’t want me to do anything by myself, just let it heal, and it’s been a slow recovery. Violet’s been taking care of a lot, and I think it’s wearing on her.”

My chest tightens at the thought of Violet carrying so much on her own. “I had no idea. She never mentioned it.”

“She’s always been one to keep her worries to herself. I don’t know if it’s because she’s hard-headed, independent, or both.”