Still clutching her glass, Hannah leans forward. “Seriously? How?”

“You haven’t had any alcohol since we’ve walked into the bar, despite ordering a beer, and you’re smiling like a jack-o-lantern. You and Charlie have been together for a year, so I guess it’s about time. Congratulations.”

Hannah stares at me for nearly a minute before she bursts into laughter. “You think I’m pregnant?” She laughs again.

I continue to stare at her. How could I be wrong?

Hannah lifts her glass of foaming beer and takes a few big gulps. “There. Convinced?”

I run my tongue across my lips, trying to figure out how I could have misread everything. “Okay, so you’re not pregnant. What’s your news then?”

“Charlie and I are going to get a dog,” she says, her eyes lighting up. “Something small and fluffy. Maybe a corgi.”

I blink my eyes, unsure about the sudden change in topic. I thought she was pregnant, but she’s just getting a dog. Okay, this is a change I can embrace. “A corgi, huh? Sounds like a good plan. Just make sure you’re ready for the commitment.”

“Oh, we are. Charlie’s already picking out names. It’s kinda cute how excited he is. We know that we want a small dog, just because of space. Could you imagine like… a German Shepherd running around in our tiny apartment?”

It’s nice to see Hannah happy, and I feel a lot more relaxed now that I’m sure she isn’t going to make me an uncle anytime soon. “No German Shepherd. Corgis are pretty cute. Or Shih Tzus. Sounds like things are going great for you two.”

“They are. We want to get a rescue, so Charlie is staying on top of the adoptable animals available at the shelter so we can get one that is under the weight limits of our apartment. But when we do get our dog, you have to come meet him… or her.”

“As long as you tell me when, I’ll be there.”

My sister cocks an eyebrow. “Wow, you sound so reluctant to show up for me.”

“I’m just busy. Running a bar isn’t like showing up at the community center and manning the desk.”

“Hey, I organize rental schedules too.” I can tell that Hannah isn’t really offended, but that’s how our relationship is. We can tease each other back and forth, and no one gets their feelings hurt.

“So…” Hannah takes another long sip of beer. “Violet told me she got a job at The Rusty Oak.”

My stomach drops at the mention of Violet’s name. I wonder if Violet has told Hannah anything else. They’re best friends. I have to assume that Hannah knows everything. Fuck, I didn’t even think about that.

“Yeah, she’s been working there a few days.”

“How’s she doing? Is she good at her job?”

“She’s doing great. Quick learner, too.”

Hannah raises an eyebrow. “Quick learner, huh? That’s all?”

I shrug, trying to keep it casual. “Yeah. She’s... she’s pretty great. Dedicated. And she’s got this determination that’s really impressive.” I don’t know what Hannah wants me to say. Does she want me to admit that Violet and I slept together? I won’t do it. I don’t know what Violet told Hannah, but I’m not about to talk about my sexual escapades with my sister.

Hannah’s eyes narrow. “Jay, are you... are you into Violet?”

I hesitate, not sure how to respond. “I’m saying that she’s a great employee.”

“Maybe that’s what you’re saying, but it’s pretty obvious by the look in your eyes.” Hannah’s face scrunches up. “God, you have feelings for her! Jay, you can’t be serious. Violet is my best friend. And I’ve seen the way you treat other women.”

I raise my hands in my defense. “Whoa, it’s not like that. Violet’s different, and I didn’t say anything about liking her. I admire her work ethic. That’s all.”

“That’s not all. I can read you. And what do you mean that Violet is different? Do you just like her because she isn’t easy like the other women you’ve been with?”

“Hannah, that’s not fair. She?—”

“You don’t have a great track record with women, Jay. You can’t just... mess around with Violet. She’s been through a lot, and she doesn’t need you adding to her problems. A one-night stand, or whatever you want to call what you’re planning, is not what she needs. You don’t need to bring your commitment issues into my best friend’s life, thank you.”

I don’t like the turn this conversation has taken, nor do I like my sister’s uncharacteristically serious attitude. “Hannah, I know I’ve made mistakes, but I’m not trying to hurt her. I... I actually care about her.” It feels weird to admit it to Hannah, but I think she needs to hear that I’m not just looking for a few good times.