Not for the first time, I eyed the bandage crossing her chest. The gash from Eli’s fucking claws had done a number on her, and she’d lost so much blood. When I’d carried Kit out of that fucking room, I’d found the others, and we’d headed straight to Sunny, who waited for us outside.

Cade, Alder, and Brooks had placed more charges around the compound, and Grayson had helped to smash up the lab when I’d told him where to find it. Once everyone had been clear of the house, we’d blown the thing to kingdom come, and it collapsed in on itself.

Burying the enemy pack still inside under mountains of rumble was a quick way to take care of them. Part of me wished I’d been able to provide a bit more personal attention, seeing as they almost cost me Kit.


“Sure, now you remember. Asshole,” I grumbled to myself as my wolf whispered in my head, much quieter than usual at that.

Whatever the drug had done to me had worn off, but my entire body ached from the less-than-stellar shifts.

“Who you calling an asshole?” Willow spoke from behind me, and I turned over my shoulder to offer her a tired smirk.

“My wolf. The one who almost killed Kit.”

She raised her brows, nodding. “Ahh, that guy. Yeah, makes sense.”

As she came in, Willow went about her typical checks of Kit with me still seated right next to her. She’d learned quickly that I wasn’t about to move so much as an inch, so Willow did what she had to and made it work.

“Vitals are still strong. She’s recovering.” Willow offered a gentle smile.

“Then why isn’t she awake?” I knew my tone was a bit harsh, but I was getting impatient.

“Kit went through a lot at Eli’s. Her body has to make all that blood again, and there’s only so much we can do to help. We’re not a true hospital, and Sunny has been doing the best she can, too.”

The sigh that left me bled out from my bones, and I sagged in my chair.

“I’m sorry. I know you’ve both done a lot to help Kit. I’m just…worried.”

Willow came around from the other side of the bed and pulled up the other chair in the room, sitting next to me.

“I get it. So,” Willow crossed her arms over her chest as she leaned back in the chair, her legs following suit, “how about a distraction?”

I chuckled lightly. “Sure.”

“Firstly, I just want to mention that you really should be getting rest of your own after everything that happened with that overdose.”

Glaring at her, I narrowed my eyes at Willow, ready for her to continue with her distraction. “I’ll rest when Kit wakes up and can lie in bed with me.”

“Ugh,” Willow grumbled, “mated wolves are the worst. Anyway, I’ve run the tests on your blood, and the drug is no longer present.”

Her tone was surprisingly flat, and I cocked a brow at her. “That’s a good thing, isn’t it?”

She nodded. “Of course. I’m just surprised that your body was even able to metabolize that much of the stuff. It’s incredible. A true feat of wolven genetics that I don’t really understand. Which pisses me off.”

I laughed again and rolled my eyes.

“Well, I wish I had more to tell you, but it’s like I said. When I focused on Kit,” I glanced over at her, a hint of a smile echoing across my features, “what she means to me, being my mate, and I was finally able to shift into human form. To get my wolf to back down.”

Willow scoffed, and I looked back over at her. “That’s some magic, woo-woo bullshit, and I don’t like it.”

My shoulders shook as I restrained a chuckle. Willow was so different from the other wolves I’d met. I loved her, really. She was funny and sarcastic, and for being a shifter, which was inherently magical, she was not interested in that stuff.

When I’d told her about the V?lva, she’d thought I’d lost my damn mind. It took seeing Jet and hearing his half of the story to at least believe we weren’t lying.

The irregular whoosh of the blood pressure cuff clicking on broke the spell our conversation had woven through the room. I was acutely aware of where I was again, and I glanced down at Kit’s arm, where the cuff squeezed her bicep.

“Well, that was distracting. Thanks.” I didn’t look at Willow as I spoke, but I could hear her sigh.