Tearing off in that direction, I hurried through the unfamiliar halls, trying to find an exit or a new section of the hallway that led to the back of the property.
“Get it loaded. I want each of the wolves stationed to get a hit. We’ll tear those fuckers limb from fucking limb.”
Eli’s voice cut through the silence as a door just ahead of me opened. I nearly fell on my face as I forced myself to stop. Shit, shit, shit.
Backing up, I kept my eyes glued forward as I held my hands behind me in search of somewhere to hide. I just needed to get out of sight for a moment, and then I could get back to work finding an escape.
“Of course, Alpha. But,” I heard trepidation in the other wolf’s voice, “do you think it’s wise to be taking so much yourself? I would hate to see you suffer ill effects.”
“I’ll take as much as I want, slug!” Eli growled, and my entire body screamed for me to get the fuck out of there.
Just then, I felt a door knob with my outstretched hand. I turned around, trying it, and was beyond relieved to find the thing unlocked. Shoving myself inside as the creak of the door across the hall grew louder, I moved like lightning, closing up the room just as footsteps sounded in the hallway outside.
That was too fucking close.
The room was dark, and I felt around the wall for a light switch.
After a moment of groping blindly, I found it and turned things on. The space before me was flooded with light, and my mouth fell open at the sight.
Dozens of glass jars and beakers and devices I couldn’t name were scattered across three tables, a strange bluish-green liquid flowing through the glass piping, which emptied out drip by drip into a wide-bottomed bottle of sorts.
It looked like something out of a horror movie, the laboratory of some mad scientist toying with things he shouldn’t. Which I supposed was a bit accurate.
I studied what I was looking at, but with no knowledge to go off of, I couldn’t tell what any of it was, aside from likely being the drug in question. There were a few notes and pads of paper scattered across the tables, and I tried to read them for any clues as to how this shit worked.
Dammit. I’m not a fucking cook. I can’t make heads or tails of this.
Holding the notes, I squeezed them tightly, the papers rumpling with a soft crunch. I had to bring them with me. It was stupid to delay like this, but Kaiden needed this information to help his pack. Those teen wolves…I couldn’t let this opportunity slip by.
A bit of the drug would be even better, maybe.
I looked around for something that I could use to hold some of the concoction. There were syringes to the side, and look at that—some had already been loaded up with the stuff. I snagged one, careful not to inject myself, and spun around to leave.
Dizziness hit me like a truck. I fell forward, catching myself on the ledge of the cold metal table as nausea swam through my stomach. Fucking hell, it was horrible, and I struggled to breathe around the urge to puke my guts out onto the floor.
Putting a hand to my stomach, I silently begged for the sensation to go away. My mouth was pooling with saliva, my entire body heating up, and I squeezed my eyes shut.
Behind my lids, the strange dream image came back to me again. The feeling of confusion and fear ripped through me as I stared at what I knew was Kaiden holding a…
No, you’re insane. It was just a dream. You’re not…
But some part of my mind, my body, still clung to it. I knew how things worked, too. Just because it had been the first time, it didn’t mean I couldn’t get…yeah, I mean, come on. They made after-school specials about that crap.
It just seemed unlikely, and I wasn’t sure wolves and humans were exactly compatible like that.
Still…I felt like this. And I didn’t think the chances were zero. I mean, they couldn’t be. Kaiden and I had sex. That’s how this shit happened.
“Fucking hell, like I don’t already have enough problems on my plate.”
As soon as the words left my mouth, the entire building shook as a massive boom rocked it from somewhere close. The lights flickered, and the blaring sound of an alarm I wasn’t aware existed cut through the quiet. The entire house would be awake after that.
And then it occurred to me.
“Kaiden. Fuck!”
It had to be him. I scurried across the room, grabbed the papers and syringe again, and ran straight for the door. I had to get to him, and I needed to do it fast. A step away from the door, the thing opened. I stumbled backward onto my ass.
In a smooth motion, graceful and fluid, the door pushed in, and I was no longer alone.