“Well, for starters, she’s human. Right?” Brooks eyed me. “And I mean this with all due respect, but we’re talking about the same Kit here, yeah? Can’t be two curvy, little humans running around.”
The growl broke free, and I snapped it back as best I could. The entire room stared at me again, however, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to hide my reactions whenever Kit was brought up.
“Yes, Brooks. She’s human,” I bit out, turning to Cade. “And she was going to Eli’s with us as a guide. She was providing her insight. So, not an enemy.”
Cade and I just stared at each other for a moment, our tempers simmering under the surface. Rowan was actually the first to speak up, and he held up a pale hand, addressing us a bit like we were children.
“That’s enough, boys. Put them away.” His deep voice was accented with that strange European flare he’d always had. “It’s clear that these mutts need to be dealt with. A drug problem among any of our territories is a recipe for disaster. But you’ve said that there are no leads regarding an antidote. Correct?”
“Actually,” a small, feminine voice cut in, “there may be one.”
We all turned to the door that led to the living area. Willow stood there with one of the younger wolves, Benjamin, clutched in her tiny hand by the scruff of his shirt.
“All right, kiddo. Spill.” She held him forward, her strength clearly more significant than her diminutive frame implied.
“I’m sorry, Alpha, really! We all are!” The boy’s voice cracked as he yelled out, his eyes sparkling with tears, and I shook my hand, getting up and going to him with my brows down.
“Slow down, Ben. What are you saying?”
He sniffled, and Willow still held him forward, making sure he couldn’t leave or chicken out.
“The others around the territory. Eli’s been…making us hand out the drugs to other kids. We…we knew it was bad shit, but he’s scary as hell, and some of us were just curious. I mean, it was kind of cool at first, but then they were getting mean. God, those bad trips? I mean, I saw Dale freak out and attack his buddy, Lief. I just thought—”
“Wait. Hold on.” I put a hand on Ben’s shoulder. “Eli was going right to you kids? Making you sell the drugs?”
Ben nodded. “Yeah. We all kind of tried it, except for like the really nerdy kids. But this is way bad. I don’t want to be involved in this anymore. I thought I was just like pot or something. It’s definitely not.”
Sighing, regret and disappointment swirled. I let it hit the kid, hoping Ben would understand the gravity of his actions just that little bit more.
“I’m…I’m sorry, Alpha.”
It would have to do for now, and I nodded at him. “Okay, Ben. You’ve told us. That’s a step.”
“He’s also graciously volunteered his blood so that I can do a full panel on the chemical composition. He’s got a little bit of the raw product left as well, and I’m going to run all the tests I can. I’ll get you that antidote, Kaiden.”
Everything surged, and a genuine hope bloomed behind my ribs. “Thank God. Oh, Willow, you’re a fucking lifesaver.”
Ben turned toward me, his eyes a bit wide, and I realized what I’d said. “Ugh, ignore that.”
He nodded, the corners of his mouth turning down, and I couldn’t bring myself to punish the kid more than getting poked and prodded with needles all day.
“Ben?” He looked up from the floor. “You’re going to work with Willow, understood?”
“Yes, Alpha.”
“Good. You’re also going to work with Lupe and Sunny to get every affected wolf to the main house. Do whatever you need to convince them that this drug is no good, and it stops now.”
Willow smirked, her water and grass scent flaring. “A little community service. That’s a damn good idea, Alpha. I need a set of extra hands around the lab.”
Not demure in the slightest, Willow’s tiny frame was always such a funny juxtaposition with her snarky attitude. I like her—a lot, actually. Hell, I’d even considered her potential as a mate. Before Kit arrived anyway.
Nodding again, I met Willow’s pale green eyes. “For as long as you need him, Ben and any of the others affected by the drug who are capable of helping you are at your disposal.”
She grinned, her freckled cheeks bright, but then it immediately faltered, and Willow shook her head, sending her short black bob swinging. “Oh, I shot myself in the foot with that one. I hate a crowded lab. Well, c'est la vie.”
I smirked, and Willow led Ben away to her room, which, of course, she lovingly referred to as the lab. When she’d left, Alder broke the brief moment of silence.
“An antidote is on its way then. I say we enjoy a drink then; talk war with at least a beer in hand.”