This is so absolutely pointless. They don’t know where they’re going.

It took less than thirty seconds for me to stand back up and go to the broken window. Growls and loud thuds bled out from inside the compound, and I threw my jacket over the broken glass to crawl inside.

Kaiden was nowhere to be seen, though. He’d covered a lot of distance in that short time, and I peeked my head around the corner of the open door to this room. Scanning the hallway outside for any sign of them—or of Eli—I saw nothing. The sounds of fighting were louder now, however, and that did not bode well.

A deep snarl sounded from down the hall to the left, and some part of me recognized it.


Hurrying out of my hiding spot, I crept down the hall until it came to the main foyer. Claw marks and blood slashed over the walls next to me, and my stomach flip-flopped.

No, no, no. He has to be okay.

I used everything I had in me to get to the damn foyer and toward that sound. When I did, I skidded to a stop, my eyes going wide as I took in the scene.

Wolves tangled with each other, barking and snapping and tearing at each other. I could see Kaiden leap halfway up the main stairs after another shifter. It wasn’t Eli, the wolf there being too small and light colored to be the Williams Alpha.

Jaws clamping down, Kaiden landed a solid bite on the other wolf and then tossed him back down the stairs to the floor. The massive thud shook me, and the sickening sound of bones crunching boomed when the other wolf’s head hit the ground.


His handsome wolf face shot in my direction, and I knew it had been a stupid move. His yellow eyes flared, and I tried to point toward the far hall across the room from me. That’s where he needed to go. There were stairs at the far end that went to Eli’s private wing.

He growled, and I narrowly dodged the scramble of wolves that tumbled in my direction. It looked like River fighting with one of Eli’s inner circle. I couldn’t pick out which one in the tussle, and when I looked back toward Kaiden, he was obscured by the massive shapes in front of me.

I moved this way and that, trying to get a glimpse of him. When I could finally make eye contact with Kaiden again, it was for less than a moment. I watched his eyes flare wide like he could see something behind me, and then I was on the floor.

I yelped, and fingers twined in my hair and started pulling.

The force dragged me across the ground, and I reached up for my hair, struggling to pull free from the person intent on snatching me.

“Well, well, well.” My heart sank. “Would you look at that? The bitch is back.”

My eyes shot open, and there he was—Eli. He hauled me across the floor as I stared up at him, and I could do nothing to break free of his hold. As we rounded the corner that would take us to the back of the compound, Eli yanked me up, pinning me against the wall with a hard slam.

All the air was forced out of my lungs, and I gasped as the pain ricocheted through me.

“I’d say it was a surprise to see you, but we both know I’d be lying.”

I tried to glare at him, but my vision was blurry, and the pain in the back of my head throbbed harder when I tried to focus my eyes. Breath spread across my face, smelling like copper and alcohol. Nausea pooled in my gut, and I could hardly hear anything but the pounding of my blood in my ears.

“Thought you could just run off, huh, you little bitch. Ha, no fucking chance. You’re going to tell me everything you heard from Kaiden, and then I’m going to take you apart piece by piece.”

Even as I fought against it, my body trembled, and my eyes burned with unshed tears.

“Aww, cry, you dumb bitch. I’m going to bleed you slow so I can enjoy every last drop.”

The sound of steps approaching boomed louder until they were right here, and both Eli and I turned to see who’d come. Oh, please be Kaiden.

“The fuck is going on out there?!”

It wasn’t, and as my crappy vision focused, my heart was absolutely crushed by the reality before me; I saw a male wolf I didn’t recognize standing next to another one who looked just as pissed—and a little familiar.

“Reggie,” Eli drawled, “I told you they’d come. And my wolves are handling it.”

Reggie? Wait. I know that name.

“This doesn’t fucking look like handling anything, Eli! Kaiden and his fucking wolves are here. I can smell him.”