“Senna has some type of ability as a magicked shifter. She can slow time. When Jet was injured, she did it enough to let me attack Terrance. I killed him that day, but Leon and Reginald were in the wind. Our pack had been hurt, but it was because of this wolfless woman that we survived at all. Somehow…all that nonsense about our differences that we’d been preached at by wolves long since dead, it didn’t matter anymore.”

Her lips parting, Kit stared at me. I watched the cogs turn in her mind, and after a moment, she shifted next to me, glancing down before nodding and smirking at me.

“So that’s how you became alpha. You killed Terrance. This is his old pack.”

I nodded again. “Yes. Gray is Jet’s new beta. I’m an alpha now, and the infuriating human from my past just walked into my house after escaping my new enemy because apparently I just can’t catch a break, and there’s a drug running rampant in my territory.”

Silence hit but was immediately broken as Kit and I laughed out loud.

There was still such a wall between humans and wolves, and I knew that this thing with Kit might still not be possible. But at least the truth was out there. If nothing else, it felt damn good to be rid of that weight.

“Look, Kit, I don’t regret last night, but I know it doesn’t exactly…change things. This situation is far from light and breezy. I just..."

I struggled to think of the right words as I watched Kit’s expression fall. God, after everything, I still didn’t know what we truly were to each other. Mate or not, Kit had her own life, and I had mine. I couldn’t just force the future to do what I wanted it to.

“Right after this, I have to go prepare for an incursion that might very well go terribly. I couldn’t have that happen and not have done this with you. I knew I'd regret it. I don’t…ugh, there is so much going on, and I wish I had more time to just talk with you about all this. But maybe…after?”

Kit stared gently, nodding only enough to be noticeable. I had no idea what was going on inside her head, and I would’ve given anything to be able to read her mind. But before I could say anything else, Kit smiled tightly, sitting back and scooting closer to the edge of the bed.

“After.” She nodded. “It’ll be better then. I…I’m going to clean up. I’ll, umm, I’ll see you at breakfast, I guess.”

All I could do was nod, and then Kit slipped away into my bathroom and closed the door behind her.

Chapter 16 - Kit

After my little stumble into intimacy with Kaiden, the pace around the compound went into overdrive. He, Lupe, and Grayson were always talking about the upcoming infiltration of Eli’s, and Kaiden’s entire pack circled around him to lend their skills and advice.

I was there for nearly every second of the planning, offering my knowledge about the compound itself and Eli’s predilection for violence. Literally speaking, Kaiden and I had talked constantly; we spent most of the day together, and I was allowed to use one of the spare bedrooms instead of being kept like a prisoner.

We hadn’t spoken once about having sex, though.

Hating him a bit for it seemed easier than admitting there was still so much to work through. But every time we had a moment alone together, he looked so damn freaked out, like a deer caught by a hunter.

Years of pessimism and doubt bubbled under the surface of my skin at all times, and I couldn’t make heads or tails of what I actually wanted.

After today’s lunchtime meeting, which had been even more of a clusterfuck than usual with the influx of messengers sent on behalf of some weird alpha council Jet had put together, I’d needed a break.

Exhaustion and dread clung to me hard enough to turn my stomach, and no matter how well I thought I slept the night before, I was consistently waking up tired. The thought crossed my mind that I might be coming down with something, but it could also be the tremendous physical and emotional stress I’d just been through.

Hell, my body felt like a warzone with all the conflicting desires and tension plaguing my muscles every time someone brought up more concerns regarding Eli.

My feet dragged as I walked to the small room I’d been using for the past two days. It was nice enough, with clean floors and sheets, and it wasn’t freezing cold like the room I had at Eli’s.

“Maybe a nap,” I mumbled to myself, shuffling over to the bed and plopping down.

I’d taken several over the past forty-eight hours, and none of them seemed to be very helpful. Still, it sounded better than being conscious right now.

Lying back against the thin pillows, I kicked off the boots a woman named Sunny lent me and rolled onto my side. The room was still so bright, with it only being midday, and I covered my face with my arm to block out the light as it reflected off all the stark white walls.

Even the sheets were white, and it was a little too much like staying in a low-star motel or the hospital. Not that I’d been to either of them. I just heard stories and saw them in silly teen movies from before I left Jet’s pack.

The springs in the bed groaned as I struggled to get comfortable, my stomach still unhappy with me and uncomfortably bloated. Maybe my blood sugar was off or something, because the dizzy spells of the past two mornings were another joy my body decided to throw at me.

I sighed, rolling over again and squeezing my eyes shut even tighter. After only a few seconds, I rolled again, unable to decide if I wanted the thin white covers or not. I settled for pulling them over my head as I stuck a foot out.

“Ugh, I hate this.”

My voice was muffled into the light blanket and pillow, and behind my closed eyes, all I could see was Kaiden’s face.