My family was here, as complicated and unorthodox as they were, and my heart felt so damn full that I couldn’t hope to stop the tears in a million years.
Kaiden had even found me a white dress to wear when we took a rare trip into the human city at the base of the mountain for supplies.
“Hello there,” I said as I reached Kaiden.
“Hello, little fox.”
We smiled at each other, gazing into each other’s eyes, and I guess, after that, we got married. It was all a blur of tears and joy and looking at my incredibly handsome husband. I would remember the day forever, even as it seemed to fly by at the speed of light.
“Wolves of the Collins Pack. Wolves connected through blood and bond. You know what time it is?!” Jet called out, his deep voice booming with pride.
The entire room answered his call.
I laughed, Kaiden laughed, and then party we did. Love and drinks were overflowing, the bounty of my wolven family on full display.
As Kaiden danced with me near the front of the room, a set of new speakers playing my favorite songs from growing up, Jet slipped up alongside him.
“Alpha, I’m only going to interrupt with business for a moment.”
Kaiden rolled his eyes, still holding me close. “Make it quick.”
Jet smirked and gestured with his head over at Grayson, who stood with the other alphas, laughing and chatting. “The Williams pack has agreed with us to hold a trial for the new alpha. They want us to offer up a candidate along with their own. I was thinking…”
He let the suggestion linger, and both Kaiden and I looked at Gray again. My brother as the alpha of his own pack? That was definitely one hell of an idea. I looked up at Kaiden.
“Do you think he’d make a good alpha?”
Kaiden considered it for a moment, then looked at Jet. “I do. After everything that happened with Eli, he’s more than proven himself.”
I could tell how happy Jet felt about it, and the truth was I was excited to see my brother really go for something. He was a good man, and he had demonstrated how much he’d grown as a person throughout my entire pregnancy.
Gray had been a loving and devoted uncle to Ash since before he was born, and if he could do that for a pack, he’d make an excellent alpha.
“Go on then. Go tell Gray. I want to check on Ash.” I smiled up at Kaiden, giving him a quick kiss.
He grinned against my lips, holding my arms briefly as he enjoyed the feeling of our kiss. When he leaned back, he offered a quick nod, and then he and Jet were off to deliver the news to Gray.
Seeing my adoptive sister get “married” today had been one of the weirdest and best experiences of my life. I had no idea what a human wedding was supposed to be like. Still, I was damn impressed with Jet’s ability to officiate, or whatever they called it. It was so different from wolf culture, and I’d been oddly affected by all the mushy romance talk.
That stuff was a no-go for me, and I didn’t love the idea of having to think about it because it was just everywhere I looked.
Yeah, too much…baggage there. God, I need another drink at this rate.
“I’m hitting the bar,” I said to Alder, who’d been deep in conversation with me about something I had not paid attention to. “Need one?”
“Aye. Thanks, lad. But I have a feeling it may be a wait.”
“What? I don’t see a line?” I glanced behind Alder at the bar in the corner, but then he was gripping my shoulder and turning me around.
“Nay because of that. Because of them.”
Heading in my direction were Jet and Kaiden, and they looked like men on a fucking mission. Oh, hell. What now?
“Grayson,” Jet clapped me on the shoulder as he reached me, and Alder slowly drifted away as Kaiden took up the spot on my other side. “We’ve got some news.”