He grinned, turning around and going into his closet without shutting the door. Meanwhile, I turned back to the clothes on the bed to choose something for the day.

MacKenzie’s things weren't quite what I’d pick myself, but there were plenty of options to mix and match to create something more me.

There was a slim pair of black jeans with trendy tears right at the knees. It seemed silly to me to pre-distress your pants, considering they would likely get holes eventually, and you didn’t usually want that. But they were the only pants that weren't some type of print or overly thin fabric that wouldn’t be warm enough.

I yanked them on, tossing the towel to the side, and I searched through the pile for a bra or bandeau or something to keep everyone from seeing my nipples through the delicate tops MacKenzie had provided.

“What the hell?”

Holding up a mid-length leatherette skirt, I grimaced and tossed the thing farther back on Jet’s bed. What did MacKenzie think I was going to be doing?

Thankfully, there was a lacey black bralette in the pile, and I pulled it on over my head. I didn’t fill out the top like MacKenzie might have. Still, it smoothed down over my chest nicely—and provided the necessary coverage.

There was also a simple white tank, so I plucked that free and slipped it on over the top. A fairly decent amount of the bralette was still visible, but this was as good as it was going to get without being too silky or feminine.

I just didn’t feel wholly comfortable in those types of things. They were never considered practical by Terrance, and it was a hard habit to break.

The last thing I pulled on was a thicker flannel shirt, which I left open because I was still feeling pretty warm.

Jet came out from the closet, dressed in well-worn jeans with a flannel of his own, fuzzier and thicker than mine. Even in just his simple attire, Jet was so stunning.

“All right, sweetness. Let’s get some breakfast. And then we’ll have a meeting with the pack.”

Nervous energy thrummed through me, but then Jet walked up and gripped my hand. His soothing presence melted through our bond, and suddenly, I was ready to take on the world.

“Okay. Let’s go.”

Chapter 14 - Jet

Squeezing her hand, I led Senna down the stairs to the kitchen, where I knew most of the pack would be gathered to eat. I was running a little behind today for…reasons, and I was sure they’d be finished cooking soon and ready for me to start the meal.

“You all eat together?” Senna raised her brows at me as she asked, and as we reached the ground floor, I led her off to the right toward the delicious smell of bacon and pancakes.

“Of course. Did you not with Terrance?” The idea that there wasn’t a pack meal struck me hard. I’d assumed all packs honored that tradition.

Senna shook her head. A beat of silence passed between us, and I could feel the subtle anguish of regret singe through our bond. It wasn’t taking her over anymore, but I could tell that Senna still held on to so much pain from her old pack. A growl slipped free, my wolf snarling low inside me at the thought of what she’d endured, and I pulled her close.

“Hey, you’re not going to find Terrance or his ideas here. We’re a family, and I always put my family first.”

She melted into my arms, her head resting on my chest, and I squeezed lightly. I could have stayed that way forever, but then Senna’s stomach rumbled. With a laugh, I stepped back.

“Yeah, I’m starving,” she chuckled.

“Let’s get you fed, my sweet Omega.” We continued the trip down the hall, and I took a second to glance down at her borrowed clothes. “And I’ll admit that MacKenzie’s things look nice on you. But they smell wrong.”

Senna laughed. “I should imagine. She’s”—she brought the lapel of the flannel up to her nose—“old paper and ocean. Not exactly what I’m known for.”

I couldn’t resist burying my nose in the crook of her neck, breathing deep.

“No, not at all. Oh, but look at that.” I tangled my fingers in her hair, tugging lightly on the curly strands. “Your scent is getting stronger.”

Sure enough, the rose and almond aroma I now knew only as Senna in my mind flared brighter. She hummed against me, and I could sense the arousal building within.

“That’s entirely your fault. But please, I have to eat.”

Another snicker, and I stepped back, allowing Senna to start down the hall so we could enjoy breakfast.

The kitchen was lively when we arrived, and every single pack member there stopped and turned in our direction, immediately sensing that something was up. Eyes flared, and a pancake fell from Kaiden’s spatula onto the massive stack he’d been creating.