Page 2 of Passion in Store

I try to concentrate on providing a clear, coherent lesson, as if I’m showing someone how to do crunches.

“Here, can you see how I’ve set up the two blender jugs? I’ve put in all the ingredients that are on the recipe lists, depending on the order, of course.” I point to the laminated cards and feel her nod against my chest. I get to feel her closer as I reach up to the right jug and click it into place, then click the left one twice, while counting aloud, “One, two. Two clicks for the one on the left.” Then, I simultaneously push the “setting” buttons on both machines—one with my left hand, one with my right. I might be showing off a little, but hey, I don’t have that many gifts, and those I do have, I have to flaunt. Besides, I kind of hope she realizes that I’m good with my hands.

The machines whirl into action, and Minnie puts both her hands to her mouth in amazement. This girl is soooooo cute.

Chapter 2


Idon’t understand why Connor is smiling at me like this. I feel like an absolute fool. Everything I touch in this café is going wrong. In spite of all this, he's trying to help me. I can feel it right through the sculpted circle of his arms. Having him so close is making me much more nervous than I already am. Luckily, he’s holding me up or I’d fall over. It might be my imagination, but I feel like I see a spark in his eyes too. He definitely has a bead of sweat on his temple while he’s performing the smoothie demo and surely, at his fitness level, operating a blender is not that taxing.

I know who he is, I’ve been watching him for the past few weeks since I arrived in Masford. He works at Roasters Gym. It’s attached to the café. He’s by far the hottest personal trainer there. He's nudging six foot, and has a lusty physique. He’s a true muscle man with shoulders like mountains, curving to a chest where I’m currently taking shelter from grumpy old Jimmy.

Roasters Gym and Roasters Café stand side by side at the northern entrance of Masford Mall, with over two hundred specialty shops inside. Being on the outside edge is handy, as the gym and the café can stay open when the rest of the mall is closed, and it’s near a convenient outside parking area. I joined the gym when I first arrived in town, taking advantage of the free trial membership. I saw the “help wanted” sign in the café’s front window and it seemed like the perfect stopgap job while I figure out my next career move. I’m really interested in food and health, so maybe Roasters Café will give me some opportunities too, if I work hard and show my commitment.

When I work out at Roasters Gym, I mostly stay in the “Ladies’ Room”. It’s a special room for women only, and Connor works with clients one-on-one—I think—so he probably hasn’t seen me. I’d rather he doesn’t see me there, as I want to do a bit more work on my body before I use his PT services.

“Hey, wait a minute!” he suddenly says to me as he pours the blender contents into a large takeaway cup. “I’ve seen you at the gym, haven’t I?”

Oh-oh, now I’m busted. “Ah, maybe?” I stammer. “I’m just on the free trial membership at the moment, to see if I can get into the swing of it. I’m not sure I’ve seen you around, but I’ll be sure to say hi next time,” I lie, even though I know it’s a sin. I’ve been watching him, and he’s gotten so deep into my head that I’m already dreaming of him. Furthermore, I won’t let him see me at the gym in the future, either. I’m going to be super careful to make sure I sneak in when I know he’s not working. It would be so awkward if he saw me in my gym gear. I'm going to step up my workout as soon as I start noticing a difference.

He’s clearing the other side of the bench as he continues to chat with me. “I work there as a PT, Professional Trainer. You should drop by the PT counter and book a consultation with me. You get two free with a trial membership anyway, but I’d be happy to show you around. You probably already met up with Yolanda, she tends to take the new girls.”

He really has no idea how hot he is. He just reaches up casually and rakes his hand through a mane of sun-bleached hair, not knowing how it makes his arms ripple and the colors on his right tattoo sleeve come to life.

I gulp before I reply, “Yes, she was great. She really put me at ease.” I’m focusing on his tattoos and feel a heaviness in my breasts. I quickly walk around behind him with the plates I’m carrying in case I get too distracted and drop them.

He continues, “I’m not always around the gym on weekends, as I volunteer as a lifeguard at the beach as well, but you can check my schedule on the app.” The thought of him wearing those tiny lifeguarding swim trunks is practically the end of my ability to stand up.

Just then, a group of about twelve people walk through the door, heading for the registers to place their orders. Jimmy opens the door for them, then takes a step towards the exit. I need to focus on work. Thank God the lifeguard is here to help feed the people.

“Where are you going, Jim?” Connor calls out, his head moving back and forth, monitoring all the new customers.

“I’m just going for a walk. Ah, there’s something I need to check out,” Jimmy calls back. “Choo Choo’s is a new café that just opened on the ground floor.” He makes a sound like a train before stepping out the door.

It freaks me out that Jimmy is leaving right now with so many customers coming in. What if Connor wasn’t here to help? He doesn’t seem worried that Jimmy’s leaving, just shrugs his wide shoulders and walks over to the register while I clear the last orders from the strip. He’s grabbed an apron and is tying it around his slim waist, the bow right above the firm roundness of his butt.

The noisy group is massing at the counter. They look like they have all just finished at the gym. I rush to wash the dirty blenders and line them up, so we don’t get behind. Connor is ringing things up—he knows these people, so there is a lot of banter. They are laughing and joking, a group of beautiful people that all look like movie stars to me.

Then, I feel the wall of his body behind me again as he reaches to put the orders on the strip. There isn’t much room in the serving area so I turn and, without stepping back, my chest grazes heavily against him as I come around to face him. “Oops,” he says, and I look at his hooded eyes. His gaze is charged, and there’s that bead of sweat again, although the air conditioning is on high.

“We are going to get slammed here, Minnie,” he whispers. His look is kind, and a bit cheeky. He puts one hand on each of my upper arms. “Are you going to be okay? It’ll be a wild ride, but I’ll be right next to you.”

“I have no idea how to make coffee,” I bleat, but he’s not fazed by my panic. His brown eyes are calm, his smooth-shaven cheeks dimpled against his smile.

“Well, you’ve perfected the smoothies now. Just remember: two clicks for the lid on the machine on the left. I bet you never thought you’d use all that fruit you had to chop up at six a.m. It’ll be put to good use now.”

He obviously knows the routine of the early shift here. Although, looking at the amount of customers, I think we are going to run out pretty soon.

He continues, “You can be in charge of the smoothies, and I’ll get the coffees.”

“Okay,” I say bravely, “I think I’ve got it now.

With my head down, I fill the chambers, reciting the number of clicks and pausing before I press the buttons, just to check in my head that it’s set right. Amazingly, I’m getting through the orders, pouring them out, rinsing and re-stocking. I look up for the next order, but the strip is empty. I feel like I won’t need to go to the gym today—my arms have already had their workout and my feet are killing me.

I look around and see Connor leaning against the front counter, watching me. He’s nodding with appreciation. This makes me suddenly nervous, so I try to deflect his attention and spout a thought that’s been nagging at me. “So, Connor, I can’t help noticing that these smoothie recipes aren’t ideal for post-workout nutrition, don’t you think?”

I’m not sure I should have criticized Jimmy’s smoothie recipes on my first day, but I can’t take the words back now. Connor raises his eyebrows. “So you know about nutrition, do you?”