From where he was standing, he could see her singing to some plants, and he wondered why she was doing that. It was a beautiful sight to behold, and the plants seemed to respond as a gentle wind blew over them.
The lady raised her head and looked at him. Immediately, Asher went numb. His heart skipped for a moment. He could feel his wolf rejoicing inside as it fought to come out, and Asher struggled to keep it in check.
He felt a sudden peace inside him, and a breeze of calm overwhelmed him. He could not bring himself to take his eyes off her or stop himself from smiling up to his ears.
He wondered how someone wearing rags could be so beautiful. He was captivated by the way her black wavy hair fell loosely on her shoulders, softened by her green eyes. He admired her pale skin and round face. She stood at 5-foot-9, so she was quite tall.
Asher dared to approach her to at least say hello, but as he was about to take a step further, an older man came out of the house, yelling at the lady to stop singing and saying that she was disturbing the neighbors.
She tried to apologize, but he wouldn't listen. He whipped her with a cane, and the beast in Asher growled as he balled a fist angrily.
With a swift movement, Asher dashed toward them and hopped over the picket fence. Seconds later, he got to the man and grabbed his hand mid-air before he could strike her again.
“What the hell?” The man seemed surprised by the sudden intervention, and he turned to the intruder.
Asher yanked the man up by the neck and slammed him to the ground.
Eyes wide open in shock, the old man crawled backward as he stared at him. “You…You're the Reaper from the cursed lands,” he stated with fear in his eyes.
Asher's brows knitted in bewilderment as he stood there beside the young lady.
“Take her!” He pointed at the lady. “Take her instead. Just don't hurt me.”
She stood there without so much as a word. Was she his slave? Because she sure was acting like she was. Her head was facing the ground as she whimpered at the pain of the cane strikes. Asher didn't have to be a Jedi to know that this wasn't the first time this had happened. He felt bad for the beautiful lady.
Wait a minute. Did this unfortunate bastard just say I could take her? He thought to himself.
“Don't hurt me, Reaper,” he pleaded.
“Why do you keep calling me that?” he asked.
“You're the Reaper, aren't you?” He struggled to stand.
“The reaper?” Asher asked him, perplexed.
These humans and their stories.
“Yes. The reaper from the cursed lands. You fit the description,” he replied, dusting off his clothes.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” he said, turning to the lady.
“Wait, so you're not the Reaper?” The man frowned.
“No, I am not,” Asher replied, and immediately, the man's arrogance returned.
“Well then, in that case, you're not taking her for free.”
“Taking her?” Asher's brows rose in disbelief as he wondered what was really going on.
“Take me?” the lady chipped in, equally as confused as Asher was.
The man ignored her and faced Asher.
“Yes,” he said sternly. “Look, you might have denied being the reaper, but I know that you're not from here. You're one of them… Aren't you?” There was a slight pause when he summoned the courage to take a few steps forward.
“One of who?” Asher asked.
The man sighed. “I know what happens to people that encounter your kind. Just pay me and take the girl. I don't want any trouble.”