She remembered the first day that she saw Elder William in his wolf form and smiled at how the sight of that giant wolf charging in at her scared to the point that she passed out.

Asher would forever haunt her with that memory.

She recalled the weird experiences that she had encountered when setting foot on the Ghostbound lands: the whispers, the strange dreams, and then Asher telling her that they were a Pack of werewolves under a curse, a curse his elders believed that her pure blood would cleanse.

It seemed like a fairytale at first until things began to get really freaky. What seemed impossible at the beginning had turned out to be a huge success.

She'd met a real witch who told her that she was one herself. Esme had met her mother in a trance and learned about her powers and how to harness them. She'd helped the Pack to have their farm thriving again and had even had a personal conversation with an ancestor of the Pack.

Asher had taken her to see the outside world and mingle with some humans for a while. He'd taken her on several dates—officially and casually—and had made her feel like she was the only woman in his world.

Now, she even had a beautiful baby boy, even though the labor had almost claimed her life.

Esme considered herself blessed and was grateful for the blessings she'd enjoyed since leaving her former town.

Epilogue - Asher

It had been three months since the birth of Harry brought incredible joy to the family and the entire Pack.

Time had really gone by in a flash, and Asher still found it difficult to comprehend all that had happened since the very day that calamity befell his Pack. He had had many sleepless nights, pondering how to fix their problem.

‘I’m lucky, Elder William.’

‘No, you're not. You're blessed.’

The dialogue flashed in his head as a smile brightened up his face.

William was right. He was blessed, and the blessing was a person: Esme, his wife and now the mother of his child, his boy, his little Harry.

In all honesty, Asher didn't think that he would find the right human girl without too much stress, let alone find her in the very first village he wandered into. He was supposed to kidnap a girl and return her to his village against her will as their old ways instructed.

He didn't even practice what to say or do to convince a random girl to follow him back home, even after his friends had told him about what the human settlements around them thought about his land.

Asher recalled his first encounter with the green thumb whose voice had captured his attention, prompting him to trace the melody to her garden. He could still remember how beautiful she looked despite being clothed in rags.

He remembered how his wolf almost leaped out in excitement when his eyes locked with those enchanting green pair of hers.

Asher smiled, reminiscing abouttheir first conversation—more like their first argument—in the woods. He remembered their exact words about buying and selling, and a light laugh escaped his lips.

“I guess we both share different definitions of the word ‘buy’,” he had said to her, unable to stop smiling at her beauty.

“Well, I define it as acquiring something by means of transaction—a trade or an exchange. How do you define it?” she had replied to him,arms dramatically folded across her chest.

She was quite the inquisitive one, asking too many questions, but then again, he had expected that from her, from anyone in her shoes anyway. Maybe that was the reason he fell for her in the first place. She was clearly not dumb or too dull.

He knew he had found the right person when tiny plants began to germinate on their land only a few hours after her arrival. Even before he foundout that she was a witch, Esme had made miraculous things happen without her knowing.

Asher thought about how fast her powers had grown within such a short period of time and the wonders she had done for his Pack.

He was grateful that he found her when he did.

Yes, Asher saved her from the cruelty of her father and her townspeople, but it could not be compared to the great work that she had done for him and his people, who loved and adored her.

Juniper herself said that Esme was a natural. She picked everything up so fast and well. She told him that his wife was a powerful and skilled witch. Juniper wasn't wrong.

He remembered the night he took her out on a date and how gorgeous she looked in that red dress. It was that very day that he realized just how much he loved her.

Esme was a virgin when he met her, but just like her magic training, she had learned really fast. Sex with her was always a memorable experience, and it got better each time.