He positioned his fingers inside her in a come hither gesture, and as he moved them, their tips were brushing over her G-spot.

“Oh God,” she moaned. “Don't stop. Please don't stop.”

He smirked. He wasn't going to.

Asher continued to hit the right places, watching her twist and twirl, writhing beneath him. He kept digging with those expert fingers until her moans grew louder, and her grip onthe sheets became tighter.

She cried out, and a juice expelled from her entrance, warming his fingers. Seconds later, he gently pulled them out, watching her body shudder and vibrate.

Esme let out a heavy sigh and he bent over to kiss her lips.

“Thank you,” she said, her voice almost a whisper.

Asher smiled and tickled her some more. Esme laughed genuinely.

Chapter 20 - Esme

Dampened in sweat, Esme lay on the bed, tired and exhausted. Her legs were spread wide open, and her belly was still huge. She'd been pushing for over an hour now, and even her magic couldn't help her.

“Come one, Esme, you can do this,” Asher said, sitting in a chair next to her. He'd been holding her hand since she went into labor.

“I can't…I can't…” She cried, shaking her head.

“Yes, you can, you can,”he said encouragingly as he gazed into her eyes. “Look at me, Esme.”

She did, her breaths shaking as fear overwhelmed her.

“You have faced a lot of challenges, and you overcame them all. You can overcome this, too. I know you can.”

She felt the urge to smack him in the face as he sat there uttering those words as ifit wereso easy to do what he was saying.

Esme knew that he was only trying to help; besides, she was the one who had asked him to stay with her. But Asher had no idea what she was going through. The pain was unbearable, and the more she pushed, the more pain she felt.

This was her first pregnancy,so it was bound to be a terrible experience. However, it was worse for Esme, not just because it was thefirst time, but because werewolf babies were usually bigger than regular human babies—huge.

“What?”she had exclaimed about an hour ago when one of the midwives explained it to her. “And nobody thought it was necessary to tell me this earlier?” she snapped.

She screamed at the top of her voice as she tightened her grip around Asher's hand. The baby was coming; she could feel it tearing her mound. The pain shotto her brain, and her head fell back on the bed, unable to continue pushing.

“You have to push, my lady,” one of the two midwives urged with sympathy flickering in her eyes.

“I'm tired,” she said with a very faint voice.

“Stay with me, Esme.” Asher rose to his feet,gently raised her head back up, and placed a pillow beneath it. “You can do it.”

“I can't…”

“Yes, you can,” he intercepted her negative words. “Please, Esme… Push.”

She was too weak.All that pushing had drained her of strength, and there was nothing else left in her.

Tears rolled down Esme's cheeks as her heart beat faster by the minute at the fear of not making it alive. Her mother had died after giving birth to her, and she was afraid that the same thing would happen to her, or worse.

The midwives had advised her to push, or else she'd jeopardize the baby's life and even hers, but it was just too painful. Esme couldn't afford to lose her child or die in the process, but she had no strength left in her.

Esme wished that Juniper was there with her; maybe she would have thought of a spell to cast to make things easier. But Juniper wasn't there; Asher was.

She turned to him with tears in her eyes and a face dampened with profuse sweat.