The drums were banged, and the merriment began. Everyone danced in pairs, jumping here and there with happy faces.

“You did it.” Asher smiled as he approached her.

“I told you I would.” She smiled back, and he hugged her tightly. “Your women will no longer be barren, and they'll no longer miscarry. This Pack is safe from the danger of extinction.”

Asher had never been so happy in his life. Finally, his Pack was free. His eyes scoured the surroundings as he saw how glad they were, dancing with genuine smiles on their faces. They were truly happy for the first time in forever.

It was official. He loved Esme, and he had totell her how he felt.


After the celebration was over, Asher carried his wife, bridal-style, all the way back to their room while her arms were wrapped around his neck. He opened the door, and when they were inside, he slammed it shut with the back of his leg.

He tossed her onto the king-sized bed, where she yelped as he tickled her, but he wouldn't stop. She was happy, and so was he.

Asher loved seeing her excited; he thought it always revealed her beauty, and God, she was gorgeous. He climbed on top of her and gazed deeply into those green eyes of hers, deeper than he'd ever looked.

He watched as her smile gradually faded as he finally said those words—words that had been dying to come out, words that he'd suppressed for a long time.

“I love you, Esme.”

She looked so surprised to hear him say it, and he liked that look on her face. He would savor that for a very long time.

“I love you so much,” he added.

She smiled graciously, melting his heart as she fixed her eyes on his without breaking the gaze. Esme squirmed beneath him and bit her lower lip in an inviting manner.

“Then mark me,” she said.

Her suggestion caught him off guard, prompting his eyes to squint and knit in surprise. He didn't see that coming.

“I…I can't, Esme,” he said with a gentle voice.

“You can't… Or you won't?” she asked, and he sighed.

“It's dangerous now that you're pregnant. I can't put you and our baby at risk,” he explained.

Esme thought for a while and slid her hand down to his groin.

“Well…I won't reply to your confession until after you've marked me.” She settled her palm on his boner

“Fair enough.” He laughed and slowly reached down to kiss her.

Esme received him warmly, enjoying the feeling of his tongue in her mouth. His hands took off the lace of her gown, allowing him to freely feel her bare breasts.

He kissed her fervently while his hand slid down to her thigh. Asher slipped the hand under her dress and traveled up to her panties while her breathbecame harder to catch by the second.

She engaged him in a more passionate kiss that he couldn't resist. Slowly, their heads twirled in ecstasy while he shifted her underpants and inserted his middle finger.

She was wet, and her entrance was slippery as he penetrated her with his finger. A moan escaped her lips, but he wouldn't let it all out, so he sealed those lips with his.

Deeper and deeper, he pushed that finger into her throbbing mound while her body trembled and twirled, squeezing her hands against the sheets.

He could tell that he had hit the right spot when she forced her lips from his and moaned softly, arching her back in ecstasy.

The deeper he went, the more slippery she became. Asher dared to add his index finger because her entrance was wet enough to accommodate both. She gasped loudly when he did.

Gradually, both fingers traveled deep inside her as she let out the moans she'd been trying to hold back.