“Yes,” Esme replied. “Apiana realized that the ritual would work if she sealed the curse into a vessel, and it did.”

“I'm confused, my lady,” Martha said to her. “What exactly do you want to do with this book?”

Esme paused for a while and replied, “I'm going to finish what Apiana started.”

They looked at her with glaring skepticism, afraid of history repeating itself.

“I know exactly what it is you're thinking, but trust me, I have the two ingredients that Apianadidn't; the powers of a witch and the advantage of a lunar eclipse.”

Asher saw sense in what she was saying, and based on the story she shared with them, Esme did have theupper hand, especially because she was a witch.

“So, what's the plan?” Elder William asked.

“Apiana told me that there will be a lunar eclipse three days from now.”

“Yes. We're aware,” Asher and the Elder chorused.

They were werewolves; therefore, they knew everything concerning the moon—they were bound to it in more ways than one.

“Then ready the Pack for a cleansing ritual. It's time to end this once and for all.”

They exchanged glances, their hearts elated with joy.


Asher was still a bit unsure about what his wife was daring to venture into, especially because she was pregnant. He thought that it would be dangerous for both her and the child and couldn't afford to lose eitherof them.

The mere thought of it aggravated him. Asher had questions overlapping in his mind, but Esme had told him not to worry that she had everything under control with a smile on her face.

Three days had passed already, and the lunar eclipse was upon them. Asher had prepared his Pack, and they were all waiting in the woods for the grand entranceof their liberator.

He opened the door to their bedroom and walked in to find her by the window. She was looking out into the sky, watching as the lunar eclipse unfolded like a silent celestial ballet.

She was dressed up in a green gown, and her smile gladdened his heart as she turned to look at him.

He hugged her from behind and whispered in her ears, “It's almost time.” He kissed her cheek.

She squirmed in his arms and turned to face him.

“I know you're worried about me, given what happened to Apiana.” Esme placed a palm on his face. “But trust me… I got this.”

“I believe you,” he replied with a smile. “You're a very powerful witch, Esme. You're not the same helpless girl I saw singing to those plants in that garden.”

She blushed.

“I've come to terms with that fact now.” He kissed her lips.

“Thank you.” She looked at him lovingly.

“Here.” He revealed a crown made out of fresh vines and flowers.

Esme blushed as he placed it gently on her head.

“You look like a goddess,” he praised, making her blush even more.

As they continued to look into each other's eyes, the howls of wolves from the woods caught their attention.

“It's time,”he said to her as he headed over to the table and took the Oot'Kalan text.