She scoffed and folded her arms across her chest in disbelief.

“What's the update with the farm?” he asked her.

“Excuse me?” Her brows rose instinctively, and annoyance enveloped her.

“What's the update with the farm?” he reiterated, still focused on his laptop.

“Wait. Let's see if I get this straight,” she began. “You ignore me all day, knowing full well that I'm heavy. You never checked on me to know if I had even eaten, and when I sent for you…” a nervous chuckle escaped her lips. “You told them to tell me that you were busy.” She sighed softly, “Now, at your own convenience, you call for me, and as jobless as I am, I actually came… Only for you to ask me about the farm?” She was really trying to keep her anger in check.

He raised his head and stared blankly at her.

“What's the update on the farm, Esme?”

“Are you serious right now?”

“Do I look like I'm joking?”

She sighed with shaky breaths.

“You know what? Fuck you.” The words came out softly, and she stormed out of his office, slamming the door behind her.

The reason he could not raise his head to look at her was because he was trying not to be emotional and ruin his plan. Plus, he was resisting the urge to laugh. Elder William had told him it was a little extreme for a woman in her condition, but Asher said he wanted to be a little dramatic. Most women loved drama; it was a part of romance.

'For your sake, I hope you're right. Because if you're wrong, she will definitely bring down the building, and I won't be in there to go down with you.’

Elder William's voice resounded in his head.

The door opened, and the elder walked inside in anticipation.


“I don't know… She's supposed to call me any moment now.”

“You don't know?” his countenance was laced with worry. “I knew this was a horrible idea.”

“Relax, okay. I've got this.” Asher laughed.

“It's not funny. In case you haven't realized, I'm inside the building, which means, if she decides to bring it down…I'm going down with you and I do not want to go down just yet,” the elder said in a rather dramatic manner.

Asher's phone rang, and his screen lit up.

“Is that her? Is she the one calling?”

He glanced at his phone on the table.

“Yes. Yes, it's her.” He reached to answer.

“Hey…” He smiled.

“You jerk!” her voice thundered through the phone, inflicting fear into Elder William.

“Alright, that's it. I'm out.” He turned, ready to leave the building completely.

Asher smiled as she chuckled amidst sobs of joy and relief on the other line.

“So, is that a yes?”

“Yes, dummy. It's a yes!” she shrieked in his ears.