The whirlwind vanished instantly, and the plant apocalypse outside stopped just as the building ceased rumbling and the rafters becamequiet.

Everything returned to normal, and Juniper, having lost enough strength, weakly fell backward into her husband's arms.

“Are you alright?”he asked.

“Yeah.” She sighed. “Yeah, I'm fine.” Her voice was faint.

“You saved us all,” Elder William said with an appreciating smile. “Thank you.”

Asher carried his wife in his muscular arms and headed to the bed, where he gently placedher down.

“She's a lot stronger than I thought,” Juniper said to him from behind as she attempted to stand. “I've never seen this much mana come out of any witch before.”

Asher ran the back of his fingers over her round face as she lay there, out like a light.

“What happened?”he asked without taking his eyes off her.

“I helped her see her visions clearly,” she replied, “Everything was fine until she returned to reality with tears in her eyes.” Juniper drew in a deep breath. “I tried to calm her down, but she was too upset. Her emotions were all over the place, which resulted in this.” She gestured at the disaster in the room.

“Esme's powers are linked to her emotions,” she continued, “They heighten depending on what she's feeling at the time.”

“She almost brought down the house.” Elder William’s voicehelda glint of admiration,a touch of concern, and a glimmer of fear.

“That kind of magic is dangerous if not properly checked, Asher,” Juniper said to him.

Asher massaged his eyeballs and ruffled his hair in confusion.

“You can teach her, right?”he asked Juniper, “To harness her powers… Control it?”

“Asher…”she called him softly, and he knew her response would not be positive. “I'm a Psychic Witch. Esme is a Nature Witch. There's literally nothing that I can teach her.”

He turned to her, thinking of other ways to help her.

“So, this will happen again if she gets emotional?”Asher asked.

“Maybe. Maybe not,” she replied. “You see, I think the reason for this massive outburst of power is because her powers have been suppressed for a very long time. If it should happen again, it isn't going to be as catastrophic as this.”

“Yeah… We're hoping it never happens again,” Elder William said to her.

“There's something I found out from her vision that I think you should know.”

“Okay,” Asher indulged her.

“Remember when I told you that I could feel a witch's influence on Esme, that there was a spell on her?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“Well, it turns out that the witch's influence I sensed was from Esme's mother.”

“What?”a surprise flickered in his gaze.

“Yeah…” Juniper sighed. “She actually cast the spell to seal Esme's powers until she had come of age.”

“So, the spell had nothing to do with why thetownspeople hated her?”

“No,” came the reply as she sat in a chair.Rowan used the sheets neatly placed on it to wrap her shoulders. “She only cast a spell on the farmer and commanded him to take baby Esme and keep her alive until she had grown enough to take care of herself.”

Asher frowned. “The bastard was cruel to her.”