“I… I don't think Esme is a regular human girl.” He hushed his tone.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, she's more than just a human. Look around you, Elder William.Does any of this seem normal to you?”

The elder thought for a minute and sighed.

“You may have a point. This is all happening so fast, like….”

“Magic,” Asher completed his statement.

They were quiet for some time as they looked at each other.

“D…do you think that she's a…?”

“I don't know,” Asher replied, massaging his eyeballs. “But Juniper did say that she sensed a witch's influence on Esme on the day of our wedding.”


Asher nodded.

“So, have you spoken to Esme about it?”

“No. Not yet.” He sighed softly. “I was going to wait for the right time first.”

“Right time?”he asked in surprise. “Asher, I can't think of a righter time than now.”

Asher pulled his head back and cast a stern look at the Elder.

“I don't think that's grammatically correct,” he snickered.

“You know what I mean,” he replied.

“Stay with them,” Asher said to him. “I need to talk to my wife.” He walked away.

Asher headed back home and went straight to her room. He needed to speak with her about the sex anyway. The thought of how sweet she was made him smile and he had to tell her how much he really enjoyed it.

He knocked on the door, and she asked who it was.

“It's me.”

Asher was certain that she recognized his voice. Esme asked him to come inside, and the moment he did, he froze.

The plant inside a vase on the table in her room had grown so large that its vines were crawling on the walls and ceiling. The vase holding it had broken, shattered to pieces. Why wouldn't it? The plant had grown almost three times bigger than its original size. He would know because he was the one who kept it there.

“I didn't hear you leave this morning,” she said softly with a little bit of disappointment in her eyes.

“I’m sorry,”he apologized, unable to stop looking at the plant. “You looked so cute that I didn't want to wake you.” He smiled at her on the last statement.

She responded with a rather faint grin.

“You should have told me that you had a magic plant, Asher.” She approached him, “Why didn't you tell me? I mean, you told me about your people being werewolves. How come you never mentioned that you had magic plants?”

He swallowed, suddenly speechless, as he still hadn't still comprehended the size of the plant.

“W…what happened?”he managed to ask.

“Well…” she began with joy in her voice, “I woke up this morning—you were gone by way, let's not forget that—and here it was, all grown. But it actually grew bigger as I sang to it. Crazy, isn't it?”