Asher smiled and kissed her forehead before slipping out of bed. He got dressed and headed out, silently shutting the door behind him.

He returned to his room where he took a hot shower and got ready for work.


Asher sat in his office, relaxing against the backrest of his chair as he took a break from the paperwork that piled on his table. Esme's wonderful voice kept resounding in his head as he reminisced on the way she sang to the plants on the farm.

He had never met a green thumb before, and she claimed that she was one. It wasn't so far-fetched, given that her arrival had caused some plants to grow even in the most impossible of places on the once barren land.

Asher laughed off her claim since she made it sound like a joke. But even as he dismissed the information, a part of him couldn't help but ponder on the mysterious things thatwere happening around this human girl.

He thought about how happy she'd been these past few days, and he loved seeing her like that. He didn't expect things to be this smooth with Esme. His head shook unconsciously as he recalled his sleepless nights, trying to think of ways he could go get a human girl without actually kidnapping her.

Asher felt pity for her that she had to endure the abuse of the man she called her father. He commended her strength for staying for as long as she did without losing her sanity, and he could only imagine the horrors she must have gone through being an outcast in a town where no one liked her.

He guessed that it had to do with that spell Juniper sensed on his wife. He cursed himself for stalling this long onthe matter. He felt the need to bringit to her and have them discuss it as a couple.

She had the right to know about the spell on her, and he couldn't continue to keep information as sensitive as that to himself, especially when it involved her.

He rose to his feet and walked over to his window.Helooked outside as a couple of teenagers gathered around in a circle, cheering on two opponents who had engaged in a friendly brawl.

He watched them display special fighting skills, incredible strength, and speed as they struggled against each other's resilience. Either was ready to give up because both of them were willing to win.

Ultimately, one of them did win, barely, and Asher detected that the winner won by chance because the other was momentarily sloppy. He thought the winner was fast enough to seize the window and take down his opponent in the blink of an eye. He thought that it was impressive.

Asher was even more impressed when the winner turned in his direction, smiling as the referee announced the winner, lifting their hands victoriously.

It was Margret, Elder William's niece, who was the weakest of all her peers. Well, obviously not anymore. The identity of the winner now made the brawl worth his while. He would never have thought in a million years Margret would be the winner.

What happened to her? When did she become as skillful and tactical in a fight as Edmund, the best of her peers, who ironically was the one she just bested? He beamed with pride and stepped away from the window as the teens continued to cheer on Margret.

His mind returned to Esme, even though he had tried on several occasions to stop himself from thinking about her but simply could not. Ever since they consummated their marriage, it had become a Herculean task to keep her out of his mind.

Esme was different, special, and beautiful,yet also mysterious. It was strange how everyone in his Pack loved and adored her, the person whom her own townspeople hated and labeled an outcast.

Maybe he would talk to her later today about sleeping together in the same room as a normal couple would. Asher had spent only one night with her, but he was already missing her and looking forward to many more nights together.

He sat back in his chair, finally deciding to get back to work when the door opened and Elder William came barging in.

“Asher, Asher…” he stopped to catch his breath. “There's something you need to see.”

“Oh, there's nothing rude about barging in on me like that, thank you very much.” He smiled, masking the sarcasm in his statement.

“I'm sorry that I didn't knock,” he replied, a lot more composed this time.

“What is it, Elder William?”

William walked toward him and halted before his table.

“It's the farm…”

“Okay. What happened to it?” Concern shimmered in his eyes as he thought the worst had happened. “Are the crops dying again?Please don't tell me the crops are dying again.”

“Quite the contrary, Ash.” He smiled.

“Well, spit it out already!” He demanded impatiently, his voice laced with anxiety.

“The farm is thriving!” Elder William declared.