She hoped that Asher would make sure that her first time would be memorable. Esme wanted it be something worth remembering something, that she would never forget.
While she sang to the plants on the farm, she caught him smiling to his ears as he watched her. She saw the pride in his eyes, and that made her heart gladden.
He clapped his hands, raining a round of applause for her when she was done, and she couldn't help blushing.
“Your voice is divine,” he declared, walking toward her.
“You think so?” She smiled.
“Of course. And I'm certain that the plants think so, too.” He revealed a crown made out of a vine with some flowers on it. “Here. I made it for you while you were singing.”
Her eyes widened as she recalled the dream she had the last time. This was the same crown that she wore on her head.
In the dream, she was wearing the same green garment that she was wearing right now, although it was better in the dream. She was also in the woods, yet now, she was standing on a farm.
Esme was confused. He'd said that the big tree she'd asked about was Apiana's tree and was the main reason for their survival. But why did she see that particular tree in her dream? The details were too much of a coincidence.
She swallowed.
“Are you okay?” he asked, worried.
“Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.” She managed to smile so he wouldn't dwell on the matter. “It's beautiful. I love it.” She reached to accept the flowered crown, but he asked her to bend over instead.
She did as she was told and he gently placed it on her head.
“It fits perfectly,” he said as she stood upright.
“Thank you.”
They stared at each other for a while before he stretched out his hand.
“Come on. Let's go get something to eat.”
She grinned and took his hand before they left the farm.
Later that night, after dinner, Esme was in her room, thinking and imagining all sorts of things about Asher. The more she thought about him, the more she got turned on, the more she felt the urge to touch herself.
It was scary what she was feeling because she'd never felt that before. Asher had unlocked something in her, something sexually dark and she wanted to give in to that darkness.
She was breathing heavily as she lay on her bed, dressed in a skimpy see-through white nightgown with spaghetti straps.
Esme thought about how badly she wanted her husband and how badly she wanted to feel his hands all over her body. She found her hands tuning her own nipples and tried to stop herself, but the feeling was overwhelming.
She slipped a hand down between her legs and with a finger, she shifted her panties, then glided the tip through her entrance. A gasp escaped her lips as the feeling was like none she had ever felt.
Esme dared to repeat the gesture and soon, her whole body was tensing, her nipples were hard and she was so wet. Esme was writhing on the bed, softly calling out to Asher.
She wanted to stop and finally summon the courage to go meet her husband instead of starving herself, but she couldn't stop. Until she heard a knock on her door.
The sound startled her and she quickly adjusted in her bed, taking some time to catch her breath.
“Who is it?” she asked.
“It's me…Asher.”
Her eyes widened in gladness as she was grateful that he had such an impeccable timing.