“Don't be shy. There's nothing to be shy about.” He gently ran the back of his fingers over her arm, feeling the softness of her skin.

Asher kissed her again, this time with the motive of teaching her.

He discerned that she was enjoying his touch, the sensation of his body on hers, and the feeling of his tongue inside her mouth. But even with that, Asher could still feel her resistance. He could tell that she wasn't ready.

He took his mouth off hers as he lay on top of her. Their eyes met as he caressed her hair.

“You're beautiful.”

She blushed, “Thank you.”

He kissed her lips some more and withdrew as politely as possible.

“I know that you're not ready yet,” he smiled, and she swallowed, a little nervous.

“But I can do it… For you. I can let you take me,” she said, trying to impress him, but he could see right through her.

“I know you can.” He held her hand, “But I'd rather wait for you to be ready.” He smiled. “You're worth it. You're worth the wait.”

Esme could not stop herself from blushing.

“Thank you.” She placed her palm on his face, staring into his eyes. “This means a lot to me.”

He smiled and got to his feet.

“Can I ask you something?” he inquired.

“Yes. Of course.”

He looked at her, contemplating whether or not to go ahead, but he asked anyway.

“Why did your dad and the townspeople not like you?”

She sighed. “Honestly…I don't know.”

He walked back to her, smiling. “Well, at least you don't have to worry about them anymore.”

Asher couldn't help but wonder if the spell that Juniper sensed on Esme was the reason why her former townspeople never liked her. If that were the case, why did it have the exact opposite reaction with him and his people?

He didn't dislike her, and from what he could tell, his people adored her. So, what was the reason for the spell?

Chapter 8 - Esme

He was so gentle and understanding, looking at her at every slight opportunity. Throughout the ceremony, she'd caught him staring at her multiple times.

His body was even more gorgeous than she thought. His build was perfectly framed. He was a beacon of royalty and authority with those beads around his neck.

The way he looked at her while the priest was chanting the rites was different from how anyone else had ever looked at her. It was clear that he adored and respected her.

Even when they returned home after all that time spent dancing and accepting congratulatory gifts from the Pack and his friends, he was still calm with her. Given the stories she'd heard about the night after marriage ceremonies, she had thought that he would devour her like a hungry lion.

But to her surprise, he was calm, gentle, and willing to wait until she was ready for him. She knew that he was only trying to make her feel comfortable by talking and engaging her in this conversation.

The plan was working; she could feel the tension that had overwhelmed her slowly easing off. She sat down on the bed and pulled a pillow up on her legs as she looked lovingly at him.

It was obvious that he wanted her, that he found her attractive, but for some reason, he was choosing not to act on his feelings.

She respected him for that, admired his self-control, and appreciated the fact that he was not making tonight about himself but rather about her.