He got up and approached her, listening to the sound of her heart beating in her chest. She hid her eyes from his, but he gently reached for her chin and turned her to face him.
She was shy, still trying to avoid eye contact as his other hand traveled down her arm, with the back of his fingers rubbing over her soft skin. Her body trembled at his touch. She seemed to have never been this close to a man before, at least not under these circumstances.
“Thank you, Esme,” he said to her, looking deep into her green eyes.
“F…for what?” She stuttered.
“For everything.” He beamed a charming smile at her, and it was reciprocated.
They stared at each other for a while, and neither of them said a word. Slowly, they began to draw closer to themselves, igniting a flame of passion.
He could feel her fear, anxiety, and unease. Her heart was pounding fast, and her breath was becoming difficult to catch. He leaned closer and kissed her cheek, then her forehead.
Asher could swear that he heard a sigh of relief escape her lips and he figured that she was glad he hadn’t kissed her lips. Maybe she wasn't ready.
“Get some rest,” he said to her. “Tomorrow is only a few hours away, and you will need your strength for the ceremony.”
She smiled at him as he withdrew from her, with his fingers being the last part of him that left her.
“Have a good night,” he said quietly and walked away.
He was already at the door when she called out his name.
He stopped and turned to her as she stood coldly in the middle of the room.
“Good… Good night.”
He smiled once again and left the room, shutting the door behind him.
As he watched her while he lurked in the leaves of the tree, he wondered what was keeping her awake, keeping her from sleeping. But then again, he was also still awake. Besides, it was going to be a big day tomorrow, so it was completely normal for her to be nervous.
The ceremony took place in an ancient cave just opposite Apiana's tree. The townspeople and a few of Asher's friends all sat in a circle around the couple.
Esme was wearing a white lace garment that only covered her chest downwards. Her hair was piled atop her head and clipped, and her skin shimmered in the sunlight penetrating through the holes above the cave.
She was dazzling.
Asher was stripped from the waist upward, revealing his muscular body. Around his neck were a couple of beaded charms. In a white pair of pants and bare feet, he stood before her, appreciating her beauty.
The high priest approached them, and they knelt opposite each other, holding hands. He was dressed in a robe fashioned from thick wolf fur, and crowning his head was a headdress adorned with feathers, signifying his connections to the spirits. His attire embodied the wild, reflecting nature's power. Charms hung from his neck, each imbued with ancient wisdom and magic.
With a staff in his hand, he circled around them, chanting and humming as the small fire between the couple continued to burn.
Soon, he spoke in their native tongue, and Asher, knowing that Esme didn't understand, slightly pressed against her fingers. She rose to her feet together with him, and he noticed that she looked tired from a fitful sleep.He signaled the priest to hurry up.
After a couple more chants, the couple was then marked with wolf blood on their foreheads.
He pronounced them husband and wife, and a shout of merriment erupted from the crowd, accompanied by a heavy round of applause. Drums were banged, and soon, the dancing began.
Callahan walked over to the newlyweds and spread his arms to embrace his friend.
“Welcome to the club, my friend.” He laughed, “You're finally married.” He turned to Esme and smiled, “Hello, Mrs. Grey.” He stretched out a hand like a gentleman and she placed her palm on it. He sketched a bow and kissed the back of her hand. “Congratulations, my dear.”
“Thank you,” she replied and cast an inquiring look at him.