“Yeah, yeah. You're right.” He walked over to the table and leaned against it. “I kind of… Sort of…” Asher swallowed and paused.
“Well, spit it out already. You kind of, sort of did what?” William asked impatiently.
“I kind of bought her… From her father.” The guilt was evident in his voice; he felt terrible about that act.
William looked at him, unsure of what to make of it. He wasn't entirely shocked by the news, but he did not expect to hear that.
“Okay, I did not see that coming,” he replied, “Anyway, I'm not surprised. Humans are very funny creatures.”
Asher focused on Esme and said, “The man she called ‘Father’ was unkind and abusive to her. What kind of father does that?” He fumed, recalling the way the old man was striking the lady with that cane.
“Did you hurt him…?” William asked, “...The father.”
“I wanted to.” Asher gritted his teeth.
“But you didn't.”
He shook his head and tried to avoid eye contact.
“Okay, spill,” William demanded.
“I may have lost my temper and put some bad guys in their place.”
William sighed, “You know we're not supposed to interfere with human business.”
“I know. But what was I supposed to do, sit back and watch them beat that young man to death?”
William sighed, “You're a good man, Asher, and an even better leader. I'm proud of how you handled the situation without kidnapping anyone. And if you say those guys were bad, then they deserved what came to them.”
Asher smiled, “Thank you, William.”
William had been Asher's right-hand man since he became Alpha of the Ghostbound Pack. He loved and idolized the young leader. William respected Asher not only because he was the Alpha but because of his individuality. He could be ruthless when needed and kind when necessary.
Asher had learnt a lot from William during his childhood up until now. Aside from his friends, The Knights of the Sky, William was the only one so close to him, and their respect for one another was mutual.
William faced Esme and said to Asher, “You know you're going to have to tell her everything when she wakes up, right?”
He took a deep breath. “I know. Do you think it'll work?” Asher meant his union with the human girl.
“I sure do hope so.”
“It's getting worse, William. I saw Apiana's tree when we were returning. It's rapidly withering, and if that tree dies, then…”
“Don't be negative in your thinking, Asher. It doesn't help.” He was calm.
William had never been one to fret in times of trouble, and that was one of the many qualities he possessed that made Asher hold him in such high esteem.
“I'm just being realistic.” He buried his face in his palms.
“You're being pessimistic. There is a difference.” He rose to his feet and headed over to Asher, who was gradually drowning in a sea of worry. “Battles are first won in the mind, Ash. The same goes on the flip side.” He placed a consoling hand on the Alpha's shoulder. “Your mind is strong. Tap into that strength and stay positive.”
“But William, it's hard…”
“I know,” he cut him off.
William was the only one who ever had the opportunity to see him like this: a child confused about what to do, or what moves to make.
“Look at me,” he said, and Asher raised his head.