Page 91 of Cast in Atonement

“Serralyn is in the library,” Killian informed Kaylin, although she knew better than to ask, given the chancellor’s apparent mood. “We expect much of the discussion will be held in the library. Arbiter Androsse is perhaps unsettled.”

“What about Starrante?”

“Arbiter Starrante is tense. Having students present calms him, which is the reason Serralyn is not here to greet you.” Killian then turned to the chancellor. “Do you wish to brief them before we join the Arbiters?”

Kaylin put up a hand.

“You are not in a classroom, Corporal.”

“Yes, sir. But I’d like a bit of a briefing before we head to the library, and I have a couple of questions I’d like answered. If Androsse—”

“Arbiter Androsse.”

“Fine. If Arbiter Androsse is upset, is he angry? Nervous? And if he’s either, is Arbiter Kavallac in agreement with him?”

“They are, surprisingly, of one mind in this instance. As is Arbiter Starrante. What did you do to the Keeper?”

“I didn’t do anything to the Keeper. Azoria’s former home did. And if Azoria is going to be mentioned, the two Arbiters may fall into loud disagreement. Arbiter Kavallac didn’t approve of Arbiter Androsse’s encouragement of young, then student Azoria.”

“Very well. You have asked one question. What are the others?”

“Is Bellusdeo aware of the difficulty the Arbiters now believe they’re facing?”

The chancellor exhaled smoke. “Not exactly, no. She did visit yesterday evening to inform me of the events that occurred with regard to the Keeper. She had, as I’m certain you’re aware, other concerns, and while she recognizes the import of the Keeper, it is not as visceral a demand on her attention as it would otherwise be.

“I am not certain Bellusdeo is aware of the existence of the corpse of an Ancient.” Or wasn’t certain she cared.

Kaylin bowed her head for a moment; she understood why Bellusdeo was driven to learn more about the ghosts of her sisters. But the living, at the moment, demanded more attention from Kaylin. “Bellusdeo is with Helen and Mrs. Erickson now. And possibly the weird ghosts that are the entire reason Mrs. Erickson has to live with us by Imperial dictate.”

“Very well. Killianas.”


“Please make certain we have an unencumbered path to the library and inform the Arbiters that we are on the way.”

If by unencumbered the chancellor meant no students, Killian managed that well. If he meant no other people, he was going to be disappointed. A familiar scholar was waiting, arms folded, by the library portal. Professor Larrantin. His eyes were very blue.

The chancellor said, “The library is closed for the day.”

“Indeed. My attempts to confer with you about the closure were stymied by Killianas. I therefore chose to wait here.”

“You will be informed when the library is once again open to visitors.” The chancellor’s tone would have caused Kaylin to take a step back. Or several. Preferably at a sprint.

“I heard a rumor that this particular meeting is of grave concern.” Larrantin did not step back at all. “And it is a meeting I have an interest in attending.”

Mandoran frowned. “He didn’t hear that from us.” Us being the members of the cohort. “Oh, wait.” After a brief pause, and a visible wince, Mandoran added, “Or maybe he did. He wanted to know why Serralyn was absent from class. Valliant didn’t want to volunteer the information. Larrantin created an invisible but impassable box around Valliant until he did want to volunteer that information. No torture was used.”

“We will discuss your methods of handling our students when this is over,” the chancellor said. “The Arbiters have not summoned you, nor have they invited you.”

“I believe they will nonetheless accept my presence.” In Kaylin’s opinion, this was likely; Larrantin was the only member of the Academia who had taught here before the Academia’s fall and had been here when it had at last rumbled back to life.

“You are not under the opinion that you are the chancellor, surely?”

“Not at all. Had I desired the broadly bureaucratic role, I would have applied.”

Kaylin lifted a hand. “Guys, we have a little bit of an emergency. We don’t need to reenact the hostilities of two of the Arbiters in the hallway.”

“No one else will see or hear the argument,” Killian pointed out.