That was a bucket of cold water.
It’s in her interests—and therefore both yours and Helen’s—that we find Evanton and return things to a semblance of normal. We’ve just been given the opportunity to do that during working hours as well as off hours.
“I bet Mandoran knew. Somehow.”
“He said he’d wait outside the Halls of Law.”
“He probably wanted to avoid Sedarias. If he’s not there when we depart, it means Terrano managed to make his way home.” Severn’s eyes narrowed.
Kaylin’s didn’t; she could see that the doors to the Hawklord’s room were already open. At least there were some things today she could be grateful for. Sadly, the tower’s acoustics weren’t one of them.
“I see you arrived in the office on time.” The Hawklord gestured and both corporals entered his office; the doors closed at their backs. “You’ve no doubt heard about your deployment.”
Kaylin nodded.
“The sergeant was informed that the matter was highly sensitive. I am not certain he believed it, given your involvement.”
“He meant it was an emergency, sir.”
“The Dragon Court seemed to think so. The Emperor in particular. He messaged me, personally, first thing this morning.”
“I just got in!”
“I arrive far earlier than most of the office. Tell me, in your own words, what the emergency is.”
“We went out with Evanton last night.”
“Severn, Lord Bellusdeo, some of the cohort, and me.”
“Mrs. Erickson, one of my housemates.”
“I suggest that you do not attempt to lie by omission, Corporal. I have had a trying morning. You are aware of Evanton’s function, yes?”
“He’s the Keeper. Sir.”
“And he was with you for a reason?”
“He insisted.” She exhaled. “He insisted on accompanying Mrs. Erickson and me to Mrs. Erickson’s former home.”
“And the rest of your crew? Corporal Handred?”
“I offered to accompany them.”
“Lord Bellusdeo?”
“She has personal reasons for being interested in Mrs. Erickson, and she wanted to make sure that no harm came to her. Sir.”
“Very well. Why did Evanton insist on this visit?”
“You’re aware that Mrs. Erickson is unusual.”
“I have been aware that she is unusual for longer than you have been alive.”