Yes and no. It did not occur to me that Terrano would be as foolishly reckless as he has been. I stayed because the guests were suddenly restless.
“How could you know that?”
I could hear them. I cannot tell you if they were afraid or angry; I could hear noise, murmuring, where there should be none.
“I can’t hear anything but you.”
Hope’s silence was one of frustration.
“Can Terrano hear anything?”
Torrisant heard the disturbance first. It’s a pity he doesn’t join you more often; he is sensitive in ways his companions are not. Torrisant, however, is cautious. Terrano is not. When Torrisant declined to explore—he wished to alert Helen, and wait for her input—Terrano chose to investigate in his place.
“And Fallessian was just collateral damage. Are they safe?”
Fallessian is safe.
Kaylin cursed. “Where is Terrano?”
He is partially with me.
“And the rest of him?”
Occupies a space I cannot safely enter.
“Can I?”
Hope took longer to answer this question. I am uncertain. I am aware of you; I am aware of your current location. It is not a location I could easily traverse; were it not for our bond, I am not certain I would find you at all.
“Helen, can you hear me?”
“I can.”
“Can you see me?”
“Not in the normal fashion.”
“Great. Is this the same problem you’re having with Terrano?” She added a few choice words after his name.
Helen clearly did not approve, given the tone of her response. “Imelda is not an officer of the law; she is unaccustomed to language such as this.”
“She came to the Halls of Law every day, Helen. She must be used to it.”
Helen chose to abandon the argument about appropriate language. “My difficulty seeing you is similar to the difficulty I have with Terrano.”
“Can you see Hope?”
“Yes. He is not in his usual form, but he is clearly visible. I am only aware of Terrano and you because of the defenses against intruders built into my core.”
“And Mrs. Erickson’s guests?”
“I am aware of them as well, and in the same fashion. Imelda is attempting to gain their attention now.”
Kaylin frowned. “Can Mrs. Erickson see them?”
“Yes. Yes, she can.”
“What do they look like to her?”