Page 17 of Cast in Conflict

“That report,” Sanabalis said, entering what was only barely a conversation, “will be tendered to the Dragon Court. To me, personally, or Lord Emmerian. The contents will not be a matter for the Halls of Law.”

Ah. This is why the Hawklord looked so disgruntled.

“I’m willing to go,” she said, when the Hawklord’s silence threatened to be almost lethal, it had sucked so much air out of the room. “She lives with me. I understand why the Arkon is concerned. I understand why the Emperor is concerned.”

“I believe she has guards. In fact, I believe Lord Emmerian—of the Dragon Court—serves in a security position.”

Sanabalis actually winced, but as the mirror was momentarily at the Hawklord’s back, he didn’t notice. “Lord Grammayre.”


“The requisition of the corporal’s services is not done lightly. We are aware that we are—once again—treading on your figurative toes. Were a Dragon deemed suitable company by Lord Bellusdeo, the Dragon would in all ways be preferable. He is not.

“She will accept the corporal’s company. She understands that the corporal will report to me, and if this does not please her, Kaylin is of value to her, and she will grudgingly accept it. She will be far less sanguine about Kaylin’s safety than she would be about her own, and Kaylin’s presence may encourage a caution she does not apparently feel otherwise.” He then turned to Kaylin. “The corporal’s salary will, of course, be paid by the Dragon Court.”

“And her partner’s?”

“We do not require Corporal Handred at this time.”

The Hawklord smiled. Kaylin often wondered how smile could be used to describe such a wide range of expressions, because there was nothing friendly, amused, or otherwise happy about this one. “Corporal Neya is a Hawk.”

“We are aware of that.”

“Hawks do not patrol without their partners. I believe Imperial Law and custom are quite specific about this.”

Sanabalis turned to speak to someone outside of the mirror’s frame. He then turned back. “Very well. Far be it for the Dragon Court to skirt the rigid confines of the Hawks’ bureaucracy. Corporal Handred is acceptable, and yes, we will make certain that the loss of his services is not reflected in your budget.”

The Hawklord nodded. “When do you intend to start this new assignment?”

“Immediately. It is likely that Corporal Neya will not be able to accompany Lord Bellusdeo today, but she is to leave the Halls of Law and make that attempt.”

Severn said a lot of nothing as they headed back down the stairs.

“At least he didn’t tell me it was my choice,” Kaylin said, her voice bouncing off the rounded stone walls of the stairwell.

“He doesn’t usually offer illusory choices. If you said no, the Emperor would have issued a command.” Severn exhaled. “The Hawklord doesn’t want you in the fiefs.”

“I’m better than I used to be,” she offered. “Tara helped. I like the idea of the Academia, and you can’t reach it without going through one of the fiefs.”

“I think we should start in Tiamaris. Head home, check with Helen to see when Bellusdeo left. The Hawklord’s right—we’re not going to find her today unless she decides to put part of the fiefs to the torch, figuratively speaking. But we can talk to Tara and see what Tara thinks.”

“She won’t talk about it if she’s been told not to.”

“Bellusdeo can’t command Tara, and Tara’s courtesy isn’t as strongly rooted as Helen’s. Tiamaris is a Dragon, a member of the Dragon Court, and someone who will share Imperial concerns. I don’t think he’ll tell her not to talk to us.”

They both headed to Kaylin’s home, and by the time the front door opened, Helen knew why. “She left before you left for the Halls of Law.”

“Maggaron was with her.”

“Yes, dear.” Helen hesitated.

Kaylin cursed in the Leontine she both loved and failed to properly pronounce, given the physical differences in the throats of the two races. “Did Mandoran follow her out?”

When Helen continued to hesitate, Kaylin switched to Aerian. “Did Mandoran and Terrano follow her out?”

“Terrano felt that you had accepted Mandoran as a companion, and to be fair, Mandoran frequently accompanies both of you when you patrol. Mandoran is, in my opinion, capable of reining Terrano in. Sedarias and her escorts have returned to the High Halls.” She paused. “Valliant and Serralyn have expressed a desire to deliver their more fragile possessions to the Academia now.”

Kaylin was not aware that they had any.