Page 171 of Cast in Conflict

“So I closed my eyes and listened. And when I opened my eyes, I was here.”

“Fine. What exactly did you hear?”

She hesitated again, and then she said, “Free me. Kill me.”


“You didn’t understand that?”

“No. What language is it?”


“I think I understand yours pretty well, I hear so much of it.” He frowned. “I’m saying the wrong thing, aren’t I?”

“It’s fine. I’m used to it. Can you hear anything?”

He listened. Barrani ears were better than mortal ears in the city streets; she had no idea whether actual ears were involved in this, because she had no idea where their physical bodies were. Admittedly, hitting the ground had probably bruised her left shoulder—but she’d have to check that when they got out of here.

If they ever did.


“Good, because I can’t.” She lifted their joined hands. “Lead on.”

“Where’s Hope?”

“Not here. I notice Terrano didn’t come through, either. Is he still holding on to me?”

“He says no. Bellusdeo is not happy. But to be fair, Teela is really unhappy.”

“It’s not Terrano’s fault.”

“Like that’s going to make any difference.”

“Tell her it’s your fault.”

“Uhhh, I’ll give it a pass.” He began to walk down the street, avoiding the overhanging buildings, inasmuch as that was possible. Kaylin noticed they cast no shadows; if there was light here—and there must have been, as she could see—it wasn’t the type of light that cast shadow.

But there were shadows here, against the ground; they didn’t follow the formation of the buildings or the weeds, but she could see them. She looked at her arms; tingle had become pain. Her attempt to roll up a sleeve with one hand attached to Mandoran took time; it was clumsy enough that he chose to help. In this case, two hands were better than one—but not, honestly, by much.

However, sleeve rolled up, she could see the marks; they were, and remained, flat against her skin, but they were glowing.

The glow was a livid purple, very similar to the color of the weeds. Similar, she thought, to the purple fire that some of the Mellarionne-aligned arcanists had cast.

Kaylin. Two voices. Nightshade’s. Severn’s.

It was Severn she answered. Still here. I have Mandoran, but we seem to be stuck someplace else. Does Terrano still have my body?

No. Not that I can see. Annarion says—

Annarion’s with you?

He is. He says that Terrano is holding on to something. He’s not entirely sure it’s you. Hope is here, he added.

Well, he’s not with me. Where is he?

Beside Bellusdeo. He’s not small.