“So Terrano offered to let her in.”
“Fine. Terrano and I offered to let her in.”
“Who else did you let in?”
Food appeared on the largest of the tables. Kaylin wasn’t hungry, but it didn’t occur to her that the food itself was poisoned; Karriamis had many, many ways of killing them all. Or at least killing Kaylin, Emmerian, and Bellusdeo; the rest of the cohort were accustomed to getting around the rules and laws of a Hallionne. Towers were created to stand against the incursions of Shadow; they hadn’t been built to take the cohort into account.
She once again communicated with her partner. We’re out. Emmerian and Bellusdeo aren’t. Who else is here?
Annarion entered behind Sedarias. Allaron and Karian are with me; I think the rest of the cohort remained with Helen.
I doubt it. They’re probably in the fief somewhere.
According to Sedarias, Helen disapproved of their intent. She didn’t try to keep them locked up; she argued. Nothing she said could reach Bellusdeo—again, according to Sedarias—but the cohort chose to split up. Helen made clear that there was a risk; she considered Annarion far enough along in his lessons that he could head to the fiefs.
Karian as well. She strongly urged Sedarias to leave Torrisant and Fallessian behind, and given they intended to enter the fiefs...
She nodded. A large, destructive battle—a battle that had cost the Hawks and the Swords dearly—had occurred in Elantra because of the cohort, or more particularly, Annarion. Something about their presence could be felt and heard by creatures that lived in Ravellon, and Candallar was closer to Ravellon.
Where are you guys, anyway?
We haven’t left the foyer. I think Annarion is probably scouting and relaying that information back to Sedarias. Karriamis has made no attempt to throw you all out?
Not yet.
Has he spoken to you at all?
No. He’s clearly willing to speak to the Dragons. Kaylin winced. I think he’ll have time to speak if Bellusdeo and Emmerian don’t somehow manage to reduce his Avatar to ashes. They were trying when I left.
I don’t think they have any chance of succeeding.
Kaylin was less certain. It’s an Avatar, so no. It’s only if they’re really determined to take the Tower out that they’ll do anything intelligent. Right now they’re both...angry.
She felt something different from Severn then: confusion.
What is it? What’s happened?
A different voice—a familiar voice—said, We are knocking on the door, and I believe the corporal can hear us.
It was Nightshade.
Wait, who is “we”?
An’Teela and I.
Why? To Severn, she said, I thought you said Teela wasn’t coming. It’s Teela and Nightshade at the door. Possibly Tain as well, although Nightshade hasn’t mentioned him by name.
Severn came to a decision; he answered the knock. Teela, without Tain, was standing beside Nightshade in the large frame.
“Where is Karriamis?” Teela asked.
“He’s apparently occupied at the moment—he has two angry Dragons on his hands.” He stopped as he looked more closely at the weapons Teela and Nightshade now bore. Because he did, Kaylin saw them as well.