Page 16 of Cast in Conflict

Sanabalis’s eyes were a gold-orange as they shifted toward the two new arrivals.

“Corporal, Corporal,” he said.

Lord Grammayre nodded. His eyes, unlike Sanabalis’s, were a blue-gray, which was the Aerian equivalent of Sanabalis’s gold-orange. As she approached, she revised that; the gray was a darker gray, not the ash gray that was the resting almost-happy color.

“I have received an Imperial request, Corporal,” the Hawklord now said to Kaylin, his expression hooded but mostly neutral.

She waited. When she failed to interrupt, Sanabalis nodded—as if in approval—and Lord Grammayre continued. “I am not entirely pleased with the request.”

Closed doors had definitely been a signal. Kaylin continued in silence, although this was harder. She was a corporal now, not a private, which meant she had something to lose.

“Are you aware of the request, Corporal?”

She nodded.

“I would like to hear what was asked of you.”

Sanabalis’s eyes shaded slightly toward orange, but he wasn’t angry. He looked tired.

“The Dragon Court is concerned about Lord Bellusdeo’s current excursions. She’s not a member of the Court, except as a courtesy.”

The Hawklord nodded.

“They want me to accompany her on her various outings.”

“To where?”

Kaylin stopped herself from shrugging. “Part of their concern is that they cannot actually answer that question to their own satisfaction.”

“And Lord Bellusdeo has chosen not to divulge that information.”

Kaylin was almost, but not quite, certain that no one had asked. It was a complicated situation, given Bellusdeo’s importance to the Dragons.

“I am not privy,” she said, grateful that she’d chosen to speak in Barrani and not the more casual Elantran, “to the discussions that occur between members, or honorary members, of the Dragon Court, sir.”

The Hawklord’s eyes narrowed. Blue was now predominant. “I would like to hear your thoughts on the matter.”

“I’ve accompanied Bellusdeo before,” she replied. Lord was not technically correct, and Bellusdeo hated it. “I’ve always survived it.”

“Where do you believe she is going?”

Kaylin exhaled. She absolutely hated it when people asked questions to which they already knew the answers; she understood that this was some test of honesty. Or something. Nevertheless, he was her commander. “The fiefs.”

“I have had very little time to peruse your last report. I believe the fiefs figure prominently in that report.”

There was a literal hole in the report that Marcus had accidentally put there with extended claws. Kaylin had watched him do it without concern, and regretted that now.

“Yes, sir.”

“You believe you will accompany Bellusdeo into the fiefs.”

“Yes, sir.”

“What do you believe you will achieve there?”

Since Kaylin wanted nothing from the fiefs, she felt this was an unfair question. “I will carry out my orders, sir. If Bellusdeo enters the fiefs, I will enter them with her. If she chooses to visit the new chancellor in the Academia, I will visit with her. If she elects to enter a fief other than Tiamaris or Nightshade, I will accompany her.

“I will,” she continued, when he failed to comment, “report.”