Page 81 of Cast in Conflict

This was as much human warmth as Kaylin had yet seen Liatt show, and she was almost shocked by it.

“As do we all. Liannor?”

“I’m ready.”

Riaknon then headed out of the office doors; Liannor walked—slowly—to join him. Once there, he flattened his body against the stone floors, and she climbed up his back. He then resumed his regular height, with passenger, but the ceilings here were more than tall enough for their joint passage.

Bellusdeo left the chancellor’s office as well. She looked tired to Kaylin’s eye, but not angry or irritated. “The chancellor invites you to remain for lunch,” she told Kaylin. The emphasis on the word invite made it a command, was lunch, and it was free.

“Corporal Handred as well?”

“Of course. He understands the practical importance of partners within the Halls of Law.”

“And me?” Mandoran asked.

“I am certain he will tolerate it, although he will not be pleased if either you or Terrano causes difficulties in the dining hall. Remember that Serralyn and Valliant are new students here, and the reputation they establish will serve as their grounding when dealing with the various scholars who are willing—at the moment—to teach them.”

Mandoran rolled his eyes. “Lunch sounds better than lecture,” he said.

Bellusdeo snorted smoke.

“You’re not staying?”

“I am to join the chancellor at the head table,” she replied, which was yes. “Lannagaros seemed to feel that if I did not remain for lunch, Kaylin wouldn’t, and I’m not spending the rest of the afternoon listening to her stomach.”

The cohort, Robin and the two Hawks shared a table together. Terrano was sparkling at Serralyn, who was radiant in return. Valliant was much quieter, but his eyes were mostly green. Mandoran’s, however, had descended into blue and from his expression, looked likely to remain there. He wasn’t speaking out loud; no doubt Sedarias had advice. Or orders.

But it was interesting to observe. The other three heard the same things that Mandoran did; he seemed to take them far more seriously.

Robin, excited as well, was a burble of words and questions, and Serralyn appeared to be happy to answer them. Terrano might have, but she got there first, a dynamic that had never existed while she’d lived under Helen’s roof.

“So, after lunch, what are you two doing?” she asked Kaylin.

“Not sure—mostly following Bellusdeo. At Imperial command.”

“Meaning you’re getting paid for this.”

“I’d better be.”

Serralyn laughed. “She’s been in a bit of a mood, since...”

“I’m sure Sedarias has as well.”

“No. Sedarias has been in a lot of a mood. I’m surprised Terrano escaped it.”


“They talk a lot. Even in person. He really shouldn’t be here. But he heard the Arbiters, and he wanted to talk to Starrante, so he came anyway. I don’t think he could have walked into the library if Mandoran hadn’t been there as well.” She glanced at Mandoran, who ate very little, and chewed as if his food was made of leather.

Her expression dimmed, and she reached out and put an arm around Mandoran’s shoulders. Instead of stiffening, which is what Kaylin would have done, he relaxed. “I like being able to do different things,” he said quietly.

“But he doesn’t like being seen as different or abnormal,” Terrano finished.

“And you don’t care.”

“Not even the tiniest bit. We are different. But it’s not a bad thing.”

“The High Halls?”