Page 1 of Lake House Killer



They say you can never truly know the heart of a killer—what they’re thinking, the dark, unknowable beast that resides within them—but perhaps the same could be said for the victim. Perhaps they are the dark, unknowable beast in question. Maybe it is they who harbor the darker secrets, the more monstrous truths. And maybe, just maybe, that’s precisely why they find themselves at death’s door.

Nightfall cloaks Sugar Pine Lake as I stand in the shadows, hidden in the woods like a silent predator observing the cabin before me that exudes a deceptive warmth.

The lights are still on, illuminating the luxury cabin like a jack-o’-lantern on Halloween night. It looks warm and inviting indeed, but I’m sure Hell looks that way to the outside observer, too.

Boots are lined up outside on the front porch, real men’s boots, a pair of well-worn Timberlands and a pair of old sneakers, both encrusted with an inch of mud from the latent fishing adventure a couple of them ventured off to earlier in the day. They hiked to the old creek, about two miles up from the lake, and were hoping to cut the trout off at the pass but had no such luck.

I heard them moaning to their wives about the ones that got away. And I also watched as their wives rolled their eyes and laughed that dinner was probably better because of it—steaks grilled rare, along with corn on the cob wrapped tightly in foil that shimmered on the grill just as long.

The wives henpecked their husbands into making sure their steaks weren’t still mooing when they landed on their plates. And the husbands roared back that they liked them bloody.

I’ll admit, it brought a smile to my face. Tonight might be a lot of things, but bloody isn’t one of them. I might be bringing a gun along for the ride, but it’s for show more than it is to land a bullet in anyone’s heart.

But I wouldn’t object if things went awry. Things have already gone terribly awry if you ask one of us. This wasn’t the plan. This wasn’t the agenda. But this is my way of putting the world on notice. I’m in charge. This is my agenda. I make the rules. You live with them.

I trek over to the evergreen next to me and slip into its shadow. The darkness is comforting, a cloak that hides my intentions as well as my identity.

They think they’re safe inside that cozy cabin of theirs. I can hear them enjoying their night as a bout of laughter emits every now and again, accompanied by the clink of glasses, unaware that horror is about to descend upon them.

I glance out at the lake for a moment and take in the glittering expanse.

At night, Sugar Pine Lake transforms into a postcard of serenity as the woods ensconce this idyllic cozy community.

It’s a tourist trap for the most part and the residents can appreciate that, as much as they can profit off of it. It’s also a popular destination for second homes—the expanded edition of the American dream that includes a cabin on the lake.

The earthy scent of pine mingles with the fresh, clean scent of cool water. The air is crisp and carries a musky hint of damp earth as the late-night mist rises from the lake’s surface. It looks hauntingly beautiful, and yet something out of a horror movie, too. That’s fitting, considering what’s about to transpire is like something out of a horror movie as well.

The soft hoot of an owl echoes through the trees as the pine needles rustle in the gentle breeze. The last vestiges of summer have passed and fall is all but here.

Splashes emit from the distal end of the lake, punctuated with laughter. Teenagers most likely. But they’re far enough away for me not to worry about them.

I glance back at the cabin and a smile curves on my lips.

They’ve always wanted a secluded cabin and that’s exactly what they got. Although tonight they might be wishing they were a little closer to civilization.

The windows are open downstairs. I highly doubt the doors will be locked, but then, I’m ready for each and every scenario. The crowbar in my trunk can attest to that.

I pull on my gloves as my breathing picks up pace. I have to do this right. This is a one-shot deal. I’ve rehearsed it again and again in my mind.

I get in, head to the primary bedroom and deal with the problem, get the hell out, and take my charge to her brand new home.

Nothing will go wrong.

Nothing can go wrong.

I hold the bullets. I hold the power.

My shoes are double-knotted, firm on my feet, ready to carry me through what comes next. My heart begins to drum as my adrenaline kicks in.

In one quick motion I secure the ski mask over my face, a knit barrier between the world and the fury churning inside me.

The trunk of my car is open behind me. The zip ties are in my pocket, coiled like serpents, ready to bind wrists or ankles. My taser is fully charged with the promise to subdue my victim. And then there’s my gun. I cradle it in my hand and it’s still cold right through my gloves.

It feels heavy tonight as the finality of what’s about to happen hits me. But there’s no turning back. Some wrongs can only be righted with irreversible actions. Some people need to learn their lessons the hard way, and that’s exactly what’s going to happen here. There will be no death.