“Mmmm,” I said, as I tried to crunch down on the hard biscuit without breaking my teeth, “delicious.” I wondered if my travel insurance would cover dental emergencies.
“Si, delizioso!” she barked, before muttering something in Italian to her husband and walking heavy-footed through another door. We all jumped as we heard the biscotti tray being banged down on a worktop.
“My wife, ah,” Leonardo began. I loved his accent. “She will bring coffee to your room, so you can settle.” He smiled, as though he was the most content man on earth.
“Oh, that sounds great,” Sarah said, “but we really want to go straight back out to explore.”
“Yeah, it’s still only early, so we thought we’d go for a wander before dinner.”
“Ah, wonder?” He looked confused.
“A wander, you know, like a walk around, to see what is nearby.”
“Ah, okay, si, si. Here, your key.” He handed us an old, rustic key with a tag showing the number ‘4’, dangling on a very fragile piece of string. “Up a-the stair, left,” he gestured, “your room at end of corridor.”
“Thank you!” We both smiled, but Leonardo looked worried.
“I ah, I go tell Maria we no need coffee.”
He anxiously shuffled down to the door Maria went through, and I suddenly felt very guilty.
“Do you think she’ll go mad?” I asked Sarah. “I feel awful.”
“If he’s made it to a hundred years old and she’s not killed him yet then I think he’ll be okay. Come on, let’s get these bags away so we can go back out into the sun.”
Sarah and I grabbed our things and headed up the stairs, following Leonardo’s directions. The carpet looked as old as Leonardo and his wife, the walls looked aged and the ceiling paint was peeling off, but somehow it did not matter. It looked chic, as though it was intentionally decorated that way. Unlike the peeling paint and damp stains in my own bathroom back at home that I keep putting off fixing. DIY is not my forte, as Zack is quickly learning.
We unlocked our door and walked into our room, which would be our home for the next few nights. We were not disappointed. The air conditioning in particular was a welcome treat. The floor tiles were a deep orange colour, very Mediterranean. There were two single beds covered in clean white bedding, with mustard-yellow cushions and throws, and the curtains hanging in the windows matched it all nicely. It all looked quite modern, which was a surprise. Even the bible by the side of each bed looked like a new edition.
The tall window turned out to be a glass door leading to a small balcony, just big enough for a small round table and two chairs. It would be a squeeze to get us both out there without fear of being pushed over the railings, but I’m sure we would manage… whilst sober.
In the corner of the room was a two-seater sofa with a black metal coffee table in front of it. On top of the table was a plate with yet more biscotti, and a small laminated note was propped up against an ice bucket, which was chilling a bottle of prosecco.
Sarah picked up the note, and read it out in her best attempt at an Italian accent.
“Welcome dear guests to La Casa di Angelo.
We hope you enjoy your stay with us, and your time in Rome.
Breakfast will be brought to your room at 7.30am, which can be eaten on balcony.
Ask for Leonardo if have any problem.
“Perfecto.” Sarah smiled, resuming her normal Yorkshire accent. “Breakfast in bed.” She put the note back on the table, opened the door to the balcony, and stepped out.
“I’m just going to use the loo,” I lied. “I’ll be back in a tick.”
I had switched my phone on at the airport, but it had not connected to the local network while we were there. I had promised Sarah a phone-free holiday, but I had to check on both of my boys.
There was a WhatsApp message waiting for me with a photo of my two favourite men. The one that cuddles me at night, keeps me warm and makes me feel needed. And the other, the boyfriend of mine that I just can’t get enough of. Okay, yes, he cuddles me at night too, but on the rare nights we are not together, I have Bing to keep me company.
Hope you’ve arrived, baby, we miss you already xxxx
In the photo, Zack and Bing were lying on my couch. Bing was asleep on Zack’s bare chest. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be there right now. I can’t believe that I am jealous of my cat. My dream from my aeroplane nap has left me very, very horny. I hope Sarah doesn’t catch me dry-humping my pillow in my sleep. I fired off a quick reply.
We’re here! It’s so hot!! Gorgeous, though. Can’t wait for pizza. I’ll try not to come back the size of a whale: PS. Love you Xxxx