Page 56 of Something New

"Of course I haven't. And I want you to stay by me tonight—even if I'm working, stay where you can see me. Can you?"

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes. I just love you. Being here with these people, it makes me know how much, I just love you so much."

I hung my second camera on my shoulder and snuggled up next to him. "I don't want anyone else to ever hold me and kiss me for the rest of my life, okay?"

He was quiet for a few heartbeats. "Do you want to leave with me now? Just get out of here?"

"Yes. So much. I wish I could. You have no idea."

"You can."

"I'm under contract to stay at the party until 2am."

"Or what?"

"Or I don't get paid. Which I don't care as much for myself, but I already promised Jonathan some of it. There's twelve thousand dollars sitting on the dresser upstairs. I owe some of that to Jonathan. He's out there, lying on the floor, taking pictures of people."

"I'll give you twelve thousand to leave here with me right now."

"Oh, my gosh, John-Michael, you would never have to pay me to go anywhere with you."

"I will, though. If you want to leave, I'll pay you what he was going to pay, so you're not losing money."

"No, you won't, but yes, I'll leave."

"You will?"

"Yes. My heart just felt so relieved when you said that. Let's go. Let me go find Jonathan and tell him what's going on. I'm going to let him keep using the camera."

I touched the side of his face. The mask was too handsome on him—it accentuated the lines of his jaw. John-Michael Kennedy was a gorgeous slice of wholesome handsome. He looked like life and goodness in a house that had less appeal by the second.

"Are you sure he's okay here? Does he need to leave with us? I'll pay him and get him a room."

He was talking about Jonathan—worried about him. I smiled at John-Michael for being such a champion. There he was, showing up in Miami, Florida, offering to rescue me and my friend and pay us for doing nothing. His generosity was undeserved and such a relief that I felt tears stinging my eyes.

Chapter 19

John-Michael followed me when we left the closet and went back into the living area of the house where most of the guests were congregated. I told him to wait for me, and I elbowed my way through the crowd to talk to Jonathan. He was taking some video of a group dancing, and I waited a few feet over for him to finish what he was doing.

I took a few photos from where I was standing just because it was more comfortable for me to do that rather than just stand there. The party was in full swing. Hundreds of beautiful people were dressed up in costumes and dancing to the music. I cut in as soon as I saw Jonathan stop what he was doing. I touched him on the arm and he glanced at me, a giant smile crossing his face.

"This party is sooooo fire, Shy. Look around yourself. How did we ever get here? I can't believe this is my life! You are such a queeeeen."

"Can you take some still shots for me?"

"I already had like four and some K. I need to take it easy. I'll go to the bar with you if you want to take one, though."

"I'm asking about the camera. Do you remember how to take still shots? The regular photographs—not video?"

"Oh, yes! I've taken a lot of those already."

He was constantly moving as he talked to me, and I touched his arm again to ground him and get him to look at me.

"Okay, well, Jonathan, I'm leaving. I have to go for the rest of the night, and the trip."

"What? Why in the world? Are you okay? You look so fire in these feathers, Shy-girl. Stayyyyy! Dance with me!"