"I'm sorry too, but we don't need to be. It's sweet how many times we were so close to it happening. One time, I almost died when you touched my hand."
He laughed and kissed her for saying that. "Was it when you met me at my parents' and we ended up eating dinner up there?"
"I remember that," he said. "We were basically holding hands."
"I know. We had so many close calls."
Sadie kissed him again after she said that. She took charge and kissed him. She took her time. She kissed his face and his cheek. They were gentle, caring, sweet kisses. She looked at him and doted on him, and nothing like it had ever happened to him in his whole life.
They sat in his truck for twenty or thirty minutes, and they were some of the best minutes he had ever lived. He loved Sadie Kirkpatrick, there was no doubt in his mind. He caught himself already praying and pleading with God that she would be in his life forever.
Chapter 15
Later that same night
"It's almost midnight," I said picking up the phone when Johnathan called. He had called twice in a row. "Is everything okay?"
"Shy, yes, oh, you are never going to believe this. I am trippin' right now. Oh, my gosh, I just finished texting Nick Butler from my phone, Shyyy! Deadpan! He texted my phone. He texted me! We conversed for the last five minutes straight. He's in Los Angeles right now. I feel like I'm going to pass out."
"And do you want to know whyyy I talked to Deadpan, Shy?"
"Why?" I asked, trying to act interested.
"Because of you, queen. He heard that I know you. We talked about you and your work and, baby girl, we got an invitation to go to the private birthday party of Deadpannnn!"
He delivered the name loudly, using his chest voice in a deep operatic tone. It startled me. His voice was loud, but I could also tell that it was shaky from his nerves. He was breathing heavily just from talking.
"Are you ready for this, Sadie? I'm about to give you the best news of your life."
"That we've been invited to Deadpan's birthday party?" I asked.
"Not just that. It's the freaking tip of the iceberg."
"He's hiring you as his personal photographer for the whole weekend. He asked if I was your assistant and I told him I was, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. He offered to freaking pay my way, too, Shy! We're both getting paid, and he ain't broke, girl. He's flying us to Miami, we're staying in his house! I'm talking thousands of dollars. You're getting five thousand with food and all expenses for three days and I'm getting a thousand. Can you believe this, Shy? I'm dying right now. I have legal fees still, from that wreck. I was crying earlier tonight, thinking of how I'm going to pay my rent this month, and now this. I owe you everything, Shy! I'm officially your assistant, your wish is my command. You just let me know what you need, and I'll get it. I'm dying. A thousand dollars for going to an exclusive party? And at the end of the month when I had to miss so much work. I don't know how this happened. My rent is suddenly made, and I also get to fly to Miami all expenses paid? What's happening? Deadpan's personal birthday party!"
He was so nervous and excited that his voice cracked like a teenage boy.
I had no excitement. I only had questions. I had never even met this guy. How could this be a serious offer?
"I thought you said he was in California. Where did you say the party is?"
"Deadpan lives in Miami. That's where we're having the party. He's in California now, but he'll be back in Miami by then. California has nothing to do with it—he was just out there when I talked to him earlier. Oh, my gosh, Shy, can you believe this is happening to us? This is the best night of my life. Thank you so much for being a rockstar!"
"Jonathan, I, I would need to talk to Dea—Nick. I would need to, to see what the deal is."
"Yeah, oh, yeah, of course. There's a deal to be made. He wanted to talk to you. He specifically asked me to give you his number! It's only 9pm over there. He was hoping to hear from you tonight. You guys will need to work out the details. Can you believe I'm getting paid just to go to a famous person's birthday party with you? This is the best night of my life."
He let out a long sigh, and we just sat there in silence for a few seconds. I was about to chime in to ask him when it was, but he spoke again, and his wavelength was completely different than mine.
"Think about those tattoos," he said. "That's going to make gorgeous photos. Have you ever even taken a picture of him before? Have you ever been to a party where he was DJing? How did he know about you, Shy? I can't remember seeing any of your stuff with him in it."
"No, I've never seen him in person."