Page 31 of Dreamboat

I sit up, not caring that I’m nude. She needs me. I sense it. I know it. I’m a deep sleeper so my body knew that my Delia needed me.

I sprint to the door of the washroom even though it’s not that far. I push it open slowly to find her huddled in the corner on the floor. She’s wearing her strapless dress. Her knees are tucked against her chest as she rocks gently forward, then back again.

I race to her, dropping to my knees as soon as I’m close to her.

I instinctively reach out to touch her face. Her skin is cold and clammy. Her eyes are sunken. I can tell she’s barely slept. I press my lips to her forehead to check if she’s running a fever, but she’s not.

“I couldn’t keep my dinner in. I kept vomiting.” She pats her stomach. “That’s TMI, but it’s true.”

“It’s not too much information,” I tell her kissing her cheek. “You should have woken me up.”

“No.” She shakes her head. “I wanted you to sleep, besides I’ve gotten good at taking care of myself. I always do when I’m sick.”

I fucking hate that. The thought of her suffering in any capacity while alone tears a path of pain straight through me.

She deserves to be cared for, adored, and spoiled. I want to do that and more.

I cup her chin in my hand so I can look into her eyes. “I’ll get you into bed. There’s a stack of motion sickness bags in the closet. I’ll grab a few to put next to the bed in case.”

“I’m sure my stomach is empty by now.” She manages a slight laugh. “I’m glad you’re not sick.”

I’m not. I’d much rather be the one in pain right now. It’s not because I believe I’m stronger than her, but I am willing to carry any burden she has weighing her down.

“It had to have been the shrimp scampi.” She blows out a heavy exhale. “You didn’t touch that.”

She’s right. I didn’t, because I wanted her to savor every single bite. She was enjoying it so much that stealing even a small taste felt criminal to me.

“Don’t tell Dr. Feil I’m sick.” She tries to laugh. “Promise you won’t.”

“Who needs him when you have me?” I swipe my thumb over her chin. “I’ll take the best care of you.”

“Your pet patients are lucky to have you, Dr. Hunt.”

“I’m lucky to have you…” My voice trails as I consider the words I want to say to her. “To take care of tonight, Delia.”

“I’m sorry I ruined our perfect night,” she says as she gazes into my eyes.

“You’ve ruined nothing.” I reach for her hands. “I’m going to get you up to your feet.”

“Okay.” Her voice is soft and edged with exhaustion.

I tug her up to her feet and then without so much as another word I scoop her into my arms just as I did the night her toe was injured.

She rests her arm over my shoulder. “What would I do without you?”

As tempted as I am to ask her the same question, I don’t. Instead I answer hers. “You don’t need to find that out tonight. I’m here to take care of you.”

“Thank you.”

I should be the one thanking her for allowing me this privilege. “Let’s get you tucked into bed.”

She nods silently, her gaze searching my face for something that she seems to find because her lips part in a soft smile.

“I’ve never been cared for by a nude doctor before.” She rests her cheek against my shoulder. “Your bedside manner is second to none.”

I start the trek toward the bed. “How would you rate my in bed manner?”

“That’s a solid fifty-million out of ten.”