Both of his hands dart into the air. “All right. I’ll drop it.”
Footsteps approaching shut us both up.
I wait with bated breath to see who will appear in my doorway and when I spot Matilda’s smiling face, I breathe a heavy sigh of relief.
“Hi, Donovan.” She grins at me before offering Reid a more open smile. “Hi Donovan’s cousin.”
He chuckles. “Hey, Mrs. Wolf.”
“It’s Tilly,” she reminds him before she looks at me. “My calendar just popped up a reminder that you’ll be away for two days next week. Is that still the case?”
I acknowledge that with a nod before I cement it with two simple words. “It is.”
“Good to know.” She types something on her tablet. “You have a patient waiting in exam room one. I can assist.”
That’s my cue to take off, so I pat Reid’s shoulder. “Duty calls.”
He stops me by grabbing the sleeve of my lab coat. “Where are you off to next week, Donovan?”
“It’s a conference,” Matilda offers. “He goes to a few of them each year. Our Dr. Hunt likes to keep up with everything happening in the field of veterinary medicine.”
If the clinic ever needed a spokesperson, Matilda would land the job without question. Her unwavering support is impressive, but in this case it’s unnecessary since I had no intention of sharing my travel details with my cousin.
He pats my cheek. “He’s a good guy.”
I pat his right back but it’s a touch harder. “Don’t you ever forget that.”
“I won’t.” He shakes his head. “I can’t. Safe travels, Donovan and stay happy. I like how it looks on you.”
I fucking love how it feels, so I intend on staying this happy for the rest of my life.
It’s not uncommon for me to arrive home after a long day to find a delivery waiting on my doorstep. It may be a bag of groceries I ordered before I left the clinic, or a case of the sparkling water I sometimes indulge in during the summer months.
Tonight, I find the most precious gift on the concrete steps that lead up to the door of my home.
Delia is there, sitting on her ass in a pair of jeans and a white blouse. On her feet are flat sandals and her hair is braided to the side.
I stand and stare at her as she keeps her gaze on her phone’s screen.
She has yet to notice me and I’m okay with that. I just want to soak in her natural beauty and this moment in time.
It’s only been twelve hours now since I left her penthouse but it’s felt like a lifetime to me.
When her gaze drifts up, she smiles. “Hey, you.”
“Hey.” I smile. “Have you been waiting long?”
She shakes her head in response. “I should have texted or called, but I thought I’d drop by and see if you were home yet.”
There’s a sexy sleepy note in her voice that makes me want to scoop her up and take her to bed.
“I’ll get the door.”
I offer her my hand as I make my way up the steps. She takes it without question using it to leverage herself as she stands. “Thank you.”
I want to tell her that she never has to thank me for another thing because anything I can do for her is a gift. It’s a pure gift and I’ll never get tired of doing everything in my power to make her life easier, or more fulfilling.
“Are you hungry?” I ask as we near the door.