Page 34 of Dreamboat

She lifts a hand in greeting as if we’ve both noticed each other at the exact same moment. She has no idea that since I first spotted her on this ship, I seek her out every time I round a corner or enter a room.

“Delia!” I call out to her, grateful that my voice doesn’t crack.

She steps toward me wearing heels that are higher than anything she’s had on her feet to this point during the voyage.

I watch her walk. She turns every head in the room as she passes them. The men, in particular, are spellbound. I can’t blame them. She’s perfection personified and I wouldn’t be surprised if every straight male on this ship has fantasized about what a dream it would be to fuck her.

I’ve lived the dream. I crave more of that dream.

“You came,” she says with a genuine hint of surprise in her tone.

“You doubted I would?”

Her cheeks blush pink with embarrassment. “No, not really, but…”

The but lingers as if she’s trying to find words to add to it. But, I wasn’t sure you’d care enough to see me off. But, I know you’re committed to staying single and since the fun is over, why bother coming to see me one last time?

She doesn’t utter any of those words, but still, they play in my mind over and over again.


I cringe when I hear that voice - Clever’s voice - calling out to her. I should have known he’d play a part in this moment.

“Hey,” she greets him with a lot less enthusiasm than he has for her.

He doesn’t bother to notice, instead taking her into his arms for a tight embrace.

Her arms don’t circle him. The most he gets from her is a simple pat on the middle of his back from her hand.

“Matt was hoping to run into you again,” he explains as he finally lets go of her. “I think he wants to meet up with you when you’re back in New York.”

I should have pressed that Matt on his last name so I could find a way to divert his attention away from her, but I was too focused on getting Delia into my bed.

“I have a lot going on,” she tells him. “I don’t have a lot of extra time for hanging out.”

“Where do you work?” he questions. “You never mentioned that.”

“I go to school,” she explains something I already know.

Her brother has filled me in on that without realizing how much I valued that information. Delia is a scholar of sorts. She’s earned multiple degrees in various disciplines as she searches for the right career path.

I’m amazed by her genuine thirst for knowledge. I barely had the stamina to earn the degree that afforded me the opportunity to work in veterinary medicine.

“So, you’re super smart?” he questions with perked eyebrows. “I love smart women.”

Something tells me this kid loves all women. I don’t blame him. In fact, I was him when I was around his age. I fucked like it was a competitive sport and I was in training for a gold medal.

She laughs off the compliment. “I love learning.”

He nods. “I need to get back to work. I’ll tell Matt to keep an eye out for you on the streets of Manhattan.”

The smile she offers him in response isn’t genuine. “All right.”

He leaves us with a wave that is directed solely at her.

“Am I invisible?” I ask once he’s out of earshot.

That sends her head back in laughter. “Hardly. Look around. You’ve got a lot of eyes on you.”