Page 32 of Dreamboat

I chuckle as I stop mid-step to look at her face. “That good, huh?”

“That spectacular.”



“You missed the chance to feel Caribbean sand on your feet.”

I turn to glance at Donovan. We’re sitting in one of the dining areas enjoying our last meal together before the ship docks back in Miami. Although the last day and a half of our trip wasn’t everything I hoped it would be, we did salvage the past few hours.

Since I was feeling stronger, we made love in his stateroom early this morning. The sun filtered in through the windows as I clung tightly to him. I knew it would be the last time I’d feel so fulfilled with a man. I tried to savor every second, every sensation, and when I came for the last time feeling him inside of me, tears fell from my eyes.

I was grateful that my face was buried in his neck as I rode him to orgasm.

“I’m not sad about that.” I smile. “This trip was memorable for all the right reasons.”

He jerks a thumb toward his face. “I’m the reason.”

I can’t argue with that, so I nod. “Not only did you fuck me more times than I can count but you took care of me after the bad shrimp scampi.”

As soon as Donovan thought I’d drifted off to sleep that night, I heard him on the phone. Whoever answered the call got an earful. He raged on about food poisoning and liability.

His words had an impact on whoever is in charge because by the next morning, there were flowers at his stateroom door and a letter addressed to me.

Since my trip was a gift, the cruise line issued me a credit for another voyage.

I’m not eager to take them up on the offer, but I know I’ll use it eventually. It’ll have to be when I’m over this man sitting across from me because right now, the thought of taking another trip like this without him is too painful to bear.

“Don’t forget and order it the next time you’re on this ship.”

I want to tell him to book time off so he can join me but that’s not possible. We already agreed that whatever this was between us ends as soon as the cruise does.

“I won’t forget,” I say evenly.

“What time is your flight back to New York?” he asks.

For days now, I’ve been hoping we’re on the same flight. Even if we’re not seated side-by-side, I’d take comfort in knowing that he’s close to me.

“Seven p.m.”

“Ah.” He nods. “I’m flying back tomorrow morning.”

There’s no offer to try and change his flight. Why would there be? His plans are set. Mine are too, and not just for the flight home. Our plans for the rest of our lives don’t include each other.

“I have a friend who lives in Miami,” he explains. “In an oceanfront condo, so I’ll spend the night there.”

I resist the urge to ask if it’s a man or a woman because as much as I want that to my business, it’s not.

“We went to college together.” He glances at me. “He’s a great guy. A lawyer. Him and his wife have a three-year-old son. It’s nothing but pure joy to hang out with that kid.”

Relief floods me as his hand darts across the table in search of mine. I grab hold of it instantly.

“I’ll remember this trip forever, Delia,” he says evenly. “You gave me something I didn’t know I needed.”

“What’s that?” I whisper as I gaze at the way my hand fits perfectly into his.

“Peace.” He sighs. “Comfort. Fun. A fucking good time.”