Matthew works for Donovan. They spend hours together each day. I happen to know that my brother loves his job at Premier Pet Care. He respects Donovan and he’s said more than once that he plans on holding onto the job until the day he retires.
Whatever happens on this ship between his boss and me could impact his life in many ways.
Even though Matthew has unending admiration for Donovan, I’ve heard him comment on his boss’s commitment to remain single forever. I feel the same way. That means that if something does happen between us on this cruise, that when we get back to Manhattan, we’ll go on with our separate lives.
I can’t speak to whether that will be awkward for Donovan, but I know me, and I’m confident that every time I see my brother I’ll have flashbacks of this cruise and my time with his boss.
I’m not a clinger by any means, but I have cherished memories of almost all of my past lovers and since I’ve run into a few throughout the years I know that it can stir up a lot of buried feelings.
I try to avoid that complication if possible, so I already know it wouldn’t be wise for me to start anything with Donovan since he’s going to be an important part of my brother’s life for decades to come.
I step out of the shower and towel off quickly. Since I’m heading out soon to lounge by yet another of the impressive pools on this ship, I don’t take the time to dry and style my hair.
It has a light curl to it when I let it do its own thing. It’s not a bad look and with just a little makeup, and a whole lot of sunscreen, I’ll be ready to face the sun and whatever else today brings.
“You can get almost anything on this ship, but a loincloth.”
A smile slides over my lips when I hear Donovan’s voice near me.
I crack open an eyelid behind my sunglasses to find him standing at my feet. I’ve been on this lounge chair for the better part of two hours. In that time, I’ve read a few chapters of the new Nicholas Wolf novel and indulged in two strawberry mojitos.
Whoever is preparing them is heavy-handed with the rum, but I don’t have a single complaint since it’s helped calm me down.
“Are you saying you need a loincloth?” I question as I try not to stare at his bare chest.
Today, he’s wearing blue board shorts that are sitting low on his hips. The man is divine in every way imaginable from the sound of his voice to the deep V that disappears beneath the shorts.
“You were practically speechless after you saw Clever’s friend in his.”
I can’t tell if he’s avoiding saying Matt’s name for a reason, so I say it instead. “You mean Matt?”
“Yeah.” He nods. “Matt the loincloth wearing acrobat from New York City. Not to be confused with your brother, the veterinarian I consider a friend.”
“And an employee,” I add.
He motions toward the empty lounge chair next to me. “Can I join you, Delia?”
I’m not sure if the mojitos are playing a part in my decision, but I nod. “Sure.”
He takes no time at all in sitting down before he settles onto it, stretching out his long legs.
I take the last sip of my second drink through the straw. “Do you want a mojito?”
“I’d love one.”
I motion for the woman who has been bringing me drinks since I sat down. I wave two fingers in the air to indicate that I want another along with an extra for the man next to me.
She smiles in understanding before she disappears out of sight.
“What happened last night, Delia?” he asks without any preamble. “You took off in a rush after Clever and Matt interrupted us.”
I glance down at the white bikini I chose to wear today. It’s snug and sexy as fuck. I don’t know if I subconsciously picked this one because I was hoping Donovan would see me in it, or not.
When I look back at him, his eyes are glued to my body.
“If something happens between us, what happens when we get home?”
My question draws his hand up to his sunglasses. He slides them off so his gaze can meet mine. “You’re worried about what happens after we fuck?”