Sonny fixed his gaze on the scars on her thigh, nostrils flared. I didn’t want to upset her by flipping out, so I curled my hand into a fist to contain my anger.
“Just to be clear, I never had sex with him. The few times we were alone together, I fought him.” She held out her forearm and showed us a few more scars. “I got those from his cigar when I wouldn’t sit on his lap at a dinner party.”
Seeing my perfect girl marked by another man stirred up a raging desire to set the world on fire. I even considered flying to Dublin just to put a bullet in his skull. But men like Jimmy Walsh were nearly impossible to reach. He hid behind layers of bodyguards, untouchable unless you were a member of his inner circle.
“We were supposed to marry next week.” Ella tucked her messy hair behind her ears and avoided our gazes. “I overheard him talking to his men about a shipment to the US.” She looked at Sonny. “Jimmy hates your uncle and wanted to pay him back for something. I’m not sure what. But when I heard it was one of your family’s freighters, I figured I could hide aboard and find someone to contact you and Aiden.” She expelled a breath of air and slumped against the cushion. “It didn’t work out that way, though. I spent the past two weeks hiding from security and trying not to get caught.”
“You’re lucky that container doesn’t go through the customs checks,” Sonny told her. “If someone had found you…” He shook his head. “What did you do all that time? How did you eat? How did you…”
“I brought a backpack with granola bars, water, and fruit. I ran out of food and water a few days ago.” Her stomach growled, and she rubbed a hand over her belly. “So, I could use something to eat and drink, if you don’t mind.”
Sonny hopped up from the table and removed his cell phone from his pocket. He tapped a few buttons and said, “Your pizza will be ready in twenty.”
He shoved the phone into his pocket, retrieved two water bottles from the refrigerator, and handed them to Ella. “Take a shower while I’m gone.” He tipped his head toward the bedroom. “Alex left some clothes in the top drawer. You’re around the same size as her. They should fit.”
He turned his back to us and walked toward the door.
“Where do you think you’re going?” I asked him.
“To get her food.” He opened the door and lingered in the entryway. “Do you want anything else while I’m out?”
“No,” she said with a quick shake of her head. “And thank you, Sonny.”
He shrugged and left without another word.
Once we were alone, I pulled Ella into my arms and kissed her lips. “I meant what I said earlier. I missed you so fucking much, Ella. All these years… I wondered. I…”
“Me, too,” she said as if she could read my mind. “I never stopped thinking about you, Aiden. You were always on my mind. I thought about Sonny, too, but not as much as you.” She pushed up her tank top, revealing a black, lacy bra, and pointed at three interlinked shamrocks over her heart. “I got this to remind me of the only night we had together.”
“One perfect night,” I said with a smile, bringing her lips to mine. “I can’t believe you’re here. I feel like I will blink, and you’ll disappear.”
“I’m real.” She pinched the skin on my forearm, a grin plastered on her pretty face. “But how do we…”
“I take it your dad doesn’t know you left Ireland.”
She bobbed her head. “He does by now. I’m sure Jimmy called to yell at my father for sending him defective goods. That’s what he called me… when he wasn’t yelling whore at me.”
I gritted my teeth, attempting to maintain my composure. “I want to kill him.”
“No one wants that more than me,” she agreed. “But Jimmy is like a myth. People know of him but don’t know how to find him. They’re not even sure if he exists. Unfortunately for me, he does.” She dug her teeth into her bottom lip, those big, blue eyes red-rimmed and glassy. “I’m here now. But how do I get out of this marriage? How do I escape my father and his wrath?”
“That’s why you came to Sonny and me.” I moved her onto my lap and kissed her shoulder, my lips trailing to her cheek. “You knew we would protect you. And we will. This time, I’m not letting you go.”
She shifted her weight on top of me, rubbing her thick ass on my semi-hard cock. “How do you plan to do that?”
An insane idea popped into my head. Our families would never accept our union. Not unless we took drastic measures to bind our families forever. One of us had to get her pregnant. My grandfather would never deny his great-grandchild, nor would Sonny’s parents. It wouldn’t matter which one of us fathered the child.
“I’m locking you in this apartment… until you’re pregnant with mine or Sonny’s baby.”
Chapter Thirty-Seven
On my way home from the pizzeria, I got a text from the harbor master with a link to the video I requested. Ella’s story sounded believable. She even had the scars to prove it. But I didn’t trust her family and needed to verify her story.
I clicked on the link to the video. Ella appeared on screen as she hopped onto the freighter and darted behind a container. She slung a backpack over her shoulder, clutching the strap. The tight top and skimpy shorts looked even better on her killer body when she wasn’t covered in dirt.
So she was telling the truth.