“What do you want, Pretty Boy?”
He put his hand on my shoulder, which I shoved off like it was diseased, keeping my nasty sneer in place. Lowering my guard with Sonny again would only lead to more heartache.
He used Ella and me.
We gave him parts of ourselves we never shared with anyone else, and Sonny gave up on us without a fight.
“Did you hear about Ella?”
I snapped my head at him. “What about her?”
He glanced down the hallway, avoiding my gaze. “I hate to be the one tell you this…” He sighed. “Her dad sent her to live with her aunt in Ireland.”
Fire flooded my veins, burning my skin from the inside out. My heart raced to an impossible gallop, the adrenaline flooding my veins, kicking my body into overdrive. I had a million questions running through my mind, but only one mattered.
I looked Sonny in the eyes. “Why?”
“A man attacked Ella on her way home from the salon on Saturday and almost killed her.”
I grabbed the sleeve of his jacket and pulled him aside, slamming his back into a locker. “Is she okay?”
He nodded, and a strand of blond hair flopped onto his forehead. I wanted to fix it, to put him back together. Sonny was always so perfect, never a hair out of place. And I liked that about him. He was the stark contrast to my tattooed, no shits given exterior.
“I don’t have all the details. Only what my uncle told my parents. The Doyles think my family had something to do with the attack.” He bit his lip, his gaze lowering to the floor. “Her crazy ass father and brothers know about us.”
My eyes widened in shock. “How?”
“Ella’s phone,” he said as he expelled another deep breath. “Her dad read all of our messages. He knows she spent the night on my boat and at the hotel. And he knows you and Alex are Wellingtons.”
“Fuck.” I leaned against the wall and stared up at the ceiling, my mind racing with thoughts of homicidal Mafia dudes coming after me. “Ella’s family is nuts. She told me stories about her brothers… I don’t want to be on their radar.”
“Cian’s issue is with Declan,” Sonny said as if he shouldn't be concerned about a psychotic mob boss coming after us for defiling his daughter. “Not us. If anything, he’ll take this out on my uncle.”
I moved to the locker beside him, hands stuffed into my pockets to hide how much I was shaking. “She’s really gone?”
Saying the words aloud made it real. And when Sonny bobbed his head, there was no denying I hadn’t made it all up. This was not a dream or some figment of my imagination.
“Ella left the fucking country,” I said, choked up by a wave of emotions swirling inside me. “And I didn’t get to say goodbye.”
Sonny patted my shoulder, and I let his hand stay there this time. I needed someone to comfort me. To tell me this would all be okay, even though my heart was breaking. What I felt for Ella went beyond lust.
It was never just about sex.
“Look, I get how you feel.” Sonny curled his thick bicep around me, enveloping me in the intoxicating scent of citrus. “I liked Ella, too. But I told you from the start this was how it would end. There is no future with a Doyle.”
I didn’t want another lecture about Ella. Sonny had warned me from the start, and I was not in the mood to hear I told you so. Needing an escape from the intensity of this conversion, I turned to walk away, and he grabbed my wrist.
“Sunshine, don’t do this.”
I angled my body to face him. “Do what?”
“Act like you don’t care. We can still be friends, you know.”
“I suggested that two weeks ago.” I closed the distance between us and got in his face. Our mouths were close enough to kiss, and I considered pressing my lips to his. “You turned your back on me. Let your jock buddies talk shit about Ella. And now you want to be friends?”
Sonny stared at my lips and licked his. “We’re going to be Knights. Brothers in blood. Our lives are linked forever.” He stepped back a few inches, extinguishing the fire burning between us, and extended his hand. “How about we settle this feud, friend?”
How could I be friends with someone when I knew how their cum tasted? I still jerked off every night to the memory of my cock sliding in and out of his tight ass, his muscles flexing with each thrust. Sonny on his knees and swallowing me down his throat. All the sexy moans he made when I fucked him.