Page 27 of Dirty Heirs

Alex turned to look at me, those unruly blond curls tossing everywhere. “It’s amazing. Like nothing we’ve ever done before. Thanks for inviting us, Sonny.”

“Any time.” I raised the beer bottle to my lips and drank, loving the malty taste as it slid down my throat. “You’re family now. What’s mine is yours.”

Alex’s eyebrows lifted an inch in confusion. “Are we related?”

Marcello laughed. “No, princess. Sonny means you’re like family now. There aren’t that many Founders. So we take care of each other.”

“Oh.” Alex’s cheeks flushed crimson, and she bit her pouty bottom lip. “I’m still getting used to all of this. My grandfather hasn’t told me much about the Founders.”

Aiden cleared his throat and shifted nervously beside her. “There’s not much you need to know, Lexie.” He looked at me as if issuing a silent warning not to open my mouth. “The Founders are just a bunch of rich snobs who run this town.”

Aiden knew more about the interworkings of our world than Alex. He shielded her from everything, and this was no different. It was best she didn’t learn more about the role she would play until she was old enough to understand the responsibility of being the Queen of The Devil’s Knights.

“I take offense to that,” I said in my snootiest voice, rising from the bench with a beer in hand. “I’m not a snob.” I downed the rest of the bottle and set it on the table, keeping my eyes on Aiden. “I need refreshments. Come help me find some.”

Aiden studied me momentarily, his top lip curling upward into a mix between a smirk and a snarl. He was so hard to read. One minute, I thought he liked me. The next, he looked like he wanted to snap my neck.

When he didn’t respond, I said, “Your sister could use another margarita. Marcello finished his beer twenty minutes ago.” I tipped my head at the table. “Your glass is empty, too, Sunshine.”

He growled at my nickname.

Alex uncrossed her legs and handed Aiden the empty margarita glass. “I’ll have another, bartender.”

“Is that so?” Aiden took the glass. “You’re already a little tipsy.”

“Please, Aid.” Alex tugged on his T-shirt, which was ripped like his jeans and bore the name of an indie rock band. “We never got to do anything fun in Haven. This is the first time we’ve had any freedom. I want to get drunk.”

“Fine. One more drink. But that’s it. I’m not getting my ear chewed out by Pops and Blair about getting you wasted.” He strode over to me, shoving the glass into my chest. “Lead the way, Pretty Boy.”

Chapter Fourteen


Sonny would do anything to get me alone. He was so desperate for my attention that he dragged me down the hallway and into the galley. He pinned my back to the wall the second we entered the room. His mouth descended upon mine, and he tried to push his tongue into my mouth.

I refused him.

He had to work for it.

His eyes met mine for a second. We were both breathing harder, horny as fuck, and ready to tear off each other’s clothes. My sister was down the hallway with Marcello… and we should have been getting back with their drinks.

His lips brushed mine, but he didn't try to kiss me this time. Instead, he dipped his head down and kissed my neck, licking and sucking and tugging at my flesh with his teeth. I would end up with a fucking hickie if he kept doing that. My grandparents would have a stroke if I came home full of marks from a boy.

Fuck, if I cared.

I palmed the back of his head, running my fingers through his short, blond hair and encouraged him to keep biting me. “You want me, Pretty Boy?”

Sonny lifted his head and licked his lips. “Are you kidding me? I’d give my left nut to fuck you.”

“We’re not doing that,” I said before he could get any stupid ideas.

He was practically panting, breathless. “Never?”

I pressed my lips together and shrugged. “I’m not saying never, but you need to slow down. I haven’t been with as many guys as you.”

He stood tall and only a few inches shorter than me. I guessed he was somewhere around six foot two and built solid. You could see he spent time in the gym perfecting his gorgeous body.

“How many guys have you been with?”