“You’re brilliant, Drake, but even you can’t invent a time machine,” Olivia said in a coarse tone. “If you could, I would go back in time and have never met you.” Her cheeks flushed, and tears spilled down her cheeks. “I would tell Tate not to accept your fucking charity. And I would…” She wrapped her arms around her middle. “I would…”
I rose from my chair and pulled her into my arms. “It’s okay, let it out. I know exactly what you’re going through.” I stroked my fingers down her back. “And I can promise you it gets better with time. It will always hurt… but it does get better.”
“You have no idea how this feels,” she said, tears dripping onto my shoulder. “No one does.”
“Yes, I do.” I wiped the tears from her face as one slid down her cheek. “Nine years ago, I had to watch my mother get brutally raped and murdered by five men. There was nothing I could do to stop them. Not unless I wanted to suffer the same fate. There’s nothing Drake could have done to save Tate. Just like I could have done nothing to overpower five men.”
I understood their pain on a cellular level and felt it deep in my bones. Seeing them go through the same thing reopened old wounds that had slowly healed with time.
Olivia looked into my eyes. “How did you survive?”
“I went to therapy. Took meds to help me sleep so I would stop having the night terrors. Grieving is a long process, one that takes time and patience.”
Her gaze shifted to Drake.
“I’ll go with you,” Drake offered. “We need to deal with Tate’s death together. Not alone like we’ve been doing for weeks.”
Olivia bit her lip. “I don’t know.”
“Please,” Drake pleaded. “Liv, you can’t leave me. I know you hate me right now, but I need you. We need each other. Just think about it, okay?”
She nodded and left the room.
“Thank you,” Drake said to me. “I’ve been trying to reach her for weeks, but… she’s distant. And she hates me.” He shook his head. “I don’t blame her. I’m responsible for her brother’s death.”
“You have to avenge her brother,” Sonny said as he chewed the pizza.
“We got your back,” Aiden said. “Whatever you need.”
“I know.” Drake sighed. “Marcello wants me to use Lovelace to start a war. But it’s illegal… and unethical. I could go to prison and lose my company over this.”
“Those assholes tried to hurt my sister on several occasions,” Aiden shot back. “Our families and the Knights will never be free of The Lucaya Group if we don’t fight back. Tate is dead. You and Marcello almost died. They will keep coming for us. And the next time, they could take Olivia.”
Drake wiped his mouth with a cloth napkin. “I would do anything for her.”
“Then, it’s time to go to war.”
He bobbed his head.
Chapter Forty-One
Ella lined up five different pregnancy tests on the bathroom sink. We stood over them, the three of us waiting to see the results in real time. Within less than a minute, one test had two pink lines. Another one said Pregnant. One by one, all of them came out positive.
Ella’s face brightened as she looked at us. “I thought it would take longer than this.”
Sonny traced the length of her bottom lip with his thumb. “That’s because your men have thoroughbred sperm.”
Excitement mixed with a sense of dread coiled in my stomach. I had a horrible childhood and even worse parents. What did I know about raising a kid? I still acted like one, doing whatever the fuck I wanted with minimal responsibilities.
But I wanted this.
I wanted them.
I threw my arms around Ella and lifted her, gripping her thick ass in my hands. “We’re having a baby, Cinders.” My lips brushed hers. “Time to celebrate.”
Sonny slapped my ass as I exited the bathroom. “Get on the bed. This celebration calls for my dick in your sweet ass.”