He put his elbow on the table and looked over at her. “I am the boss of this family.”
“You’re not my boss,” she said with a sweet smile.
He lowered his voice, but it only sounded more menacing. “Keep talking back, and I’ll bend you over this table and spank your ass.”
Alex tapped her nails against her glass, eyeing up Luca. “We have guests.” She winked. “But maybe later.”
He shook his head and sank back in his chair, tipping the glass to his lips.
“Cherry,” Bastian groaned beside her. “Don’t poke the dragon. He’s not in a good mood.”
“Clearly,” Alex deadpanned.
“My mood is not a topic for conversation,” Luca said harshly.
Bastian got up from the table, his gaze on Luca. “Take a walk with me to the wine cellar.” Then he looked at Marcello, Damian, and Cole. “You too. Let’s give the girls some time alone to talk. We got a new shipment of Macallan this morning.”
Cole kissed my cheek. “I’ll be right back.”
I patted his thigh. “Go have some guy time. I’ll be fine out here with Alex.”
Damian kissed Alex and the baby. Bastian did the same, followed by Marcello, who called her princess. I wasn’t sure if he was talking to Alex or the baby.
Then Luca stopped beside Alex and stared at her before he swiped his thumb across her bottom lip. She softly moaned at the sudden gesture. It was clear they had chemistry in the bedroom. A simple touch, and she was practically panting for more.
Once we were alone, Alex let out a deep breath. “Sorry about Luca’s behavior. He’s not usually this bad.”
I almost laughed because she had no idea how rude he was the first time we met. And he hadn’t improved all that much since.
“Can I ask you a personal question?”
She shifted Sofia on her lap and nodded. “Sure.”
“How did you end up with four husbands?”
“I get that question a lot.” Alex chuckled, then sipped from her glass. “I was supposed to marry Luca as part of a deal made by our families. But he made it his mission to ruin my life in high school. So I got to know Bastian better than Luca. Marcello was such a sweetheart, and he made it so easy to fall in love with him. And Damian…” She sighed. “He was so broken when we first met. But so was I. Together, we helped each other heal the wounds from our past.”
“How about Luca?”
She smiled with her blue eyes that lit up her face. “I always wanted him. Even in high school when he did horrible things to me. But yeah, he was the last one I fell in love with. He made it so damn hard for me to lower my guard.”
“The twins are his, right?”
Alex smoothed a hand over her stomach. She’d recently found out she was pregnant again. “Yeah. We got the paternity test back last week. Luca is the father.”
“Any advice for a new mom?” I touched my belly. “I’m kinda freaking out and preparing for the worst.”
“I was in labor with Sofia for six hours straight.” She rolled her shoulders against the chair. “But it’s different for everyone. You could deliver ten minutes after you get to the hospital. Who knows?”
“You delivered Sofia at the house, right?”
She bobbed her head to confirm. “I’m going to have all of my kids at home. My husbands pay my OBGYN a lot of money to be on call. How about you? What are your birth plans?”
“I don’t know,” I confessed. “I haven’t given it much thought.”
“You should think about having the baby at Fort Marshall. It took so much stress off me knowing I didn’t have to rush to the hospital, eat gross food, and sleep in an uncomfortable bed.”
“When you put it that way.” I chuckled. “Maybe I should talk to Cole about doing a home birth.”