Page 99 of Wicked Heiress

“But I don’t need billions of dollars.”

“Of all the people in this room, you’re the one who wants the money least. Greed and power motivate us, but not you. After everything Fitzy put you through, you deserve it.”

A grin tugged at my mouth. “I’m rich.”

He nodded, his expression mirroring mine. “You’re wealthy. There’s a difference.”

“I have to do good with this money.”

Cole raised my hand to his mouth and kissed my skin. “This is why I love you, Grace. You always want to do the right thing.”

Mr. Bollinger stayed at the front of the room in case we had questions for him. I had tons, but I wasn’t even sure where to begin. And then I remembered the letter I nearly crushed in my palm from clenching my fist.

I slid my finger beneath the fold and pulled out the thick notecard that said From the Desk of Fitzgerald Archibald Adams IV at the top in fancy script.

I hope the Adams curse finds you, too.

That was all it said.

I showed it to Cole.

He laughed. “Your grandfather had an interesting sense of humor.”

After the will reading ended, I left the house with Cole and the Salvatores. They shielded me from a few men and women I assumed were family. Bastian wouldn’t let them near me, swatting his hand at them like they were flies.

We stood in the circular driveway and waited for the valet to collect our cars.

Bastian bent down and whispered. “After I torch this place, I’ll show you what the Elders key opens.”

I smiled so wide my cheeks hurt. And when Bastian pulled me into his arms for a hug, I felt like I was part of his family. Like we had been cousins all these years and no time had passed.

I felt like I belonged.

Chapter Fifty-Six


Cole drove us to the Salvatore Estate in his Ferrari with his hand on my thigh. He parked in front of the house 1.5 seconds later, flying down Founders Way in a flash.

Cole turned to look at me and tapped my thigh. “Stay there, Mrs. Marshall. I’ll come and get you.”

It wasn’t my plan to be a mother this young. But I loved Cole and couldn’t wait to start a family with him. Cole was so excited about being a dad.

We got married one month after I inherited the money. It was a small ceremony in his backyard. My biological father and the Colonel walked me down the aisle. And then, I stood at the cliff’s edge that overlooked the beach with the love of my life. The waves crashed beneath us, and when Cole kissed me, the wind rustled my hair and blew it in my face.

It was perfect.

My sexy husband pulled open my door and helped me out of the car. His hand covered my stomach, moving in a circular motion over my baby bump. “I can’t wait to meet him.”

“We don’t know it’s a boy.”

“Wishful thinking.” Cole led me toward the house with his hand on my lower back. “But I’ll be happy either way. Girl or boy. It doesn’t matter to me.”

The doors flew open as we approached the entrance guarded by two men in suits. Bastian emerged from the house and welcomed me into his arms. Alex was at his side, carrying a beautiful baby girl on her hip. Sofia was a few months old and looked like Damian.

My cousin held me at arm’s length, then his eyes lowered to my stomach. “You’re finally showing. I could see the difference in Alex’s body when she was six weeks,” he said as he ushered us into the house and closed the door.

Alex laughed. “Because you were obsessing over me.”